Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: coronavirus, covid-19, wrestling, wwe
Report: WWE Hit with New COVID Outbreak, Breakthrough Infections
The transmissibility of the omicron variant continues to bring back the worst aspects of the coronavirus pandemic. We've already heard speculation that WWE could return to filming shows in the Thunderdome if things get worse, as other sports leagues are forced to postpone games or, in the case of the NHL, pause the season. The most recent episode of Saturday Night Live went through major upheavals as a COVID outbreak caused the show to be taped in front of an empty house. Now, according to a new report, WWE's post-holiday tour schedule may be affected as multiple wrestlers have reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.
Greetings, comrades! It is I, your El Presidente, taking time out of my busy career in international despotism to bring you the latest wrestling news and hot goss. Your El Presidente may be totally immune to all COVID-19 variants due to awarding myself an unprecedented twelve booster shots chased with a cocktail of ivermectin, tequila, and experimental antibodies extracted from the blood of some of my loyal subjects who… er… volunteered to undergo medical experiments down in my dungeons for the good of the country, but for those with only one or even no boosters, breakthrough infections with omicron are definitely possible.
Mike Johnson at PWInsider has the scoop on this latest WWE outbreak. According to Johnson, "coming out of this past weekend's loop of live events and TV tapings, a number of talents and staff were feeling run down and some have since tested positive for COVID-19, while others who were feeling sick are still waiting for their test results to return." Johnson notes that Friday's edition of WWE Smackdown has been pre-taped, but after that, there's no telling how COVID infections could force WWE to change plans.
When the pandemic first began, comrades, WWE itself was considered a hotspot of infections due to using its connections with the Trump administration and Florida governor Ron DeSantis to get pro wrestling declared an "essential business" and then holding shows without doing proper tests, only checking temperatures, even when allowing fans in the building. This was long before any vaccines were available, and it resulted in several major outbreaks, including one that affected then-WWE Champion Drew McIntyre. Maybe having him literally battle COVID-19 in a match was probably, in retrospect, a bad decision. Haw haw haw haw! WWE did eventually find its footing, launching the Thunderdome, implementing more rigid testing protocols, and ultimately getting most of its stars vaccinated.
Hopefully, any breakthrough infections prove to be mild, everyone is okay, and business as usual can resume sometime in the near future. Until next time, comrades: socialism or death!