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Rick and Morty Season 7: Looking Back at Best All-Around Season So Far
Ahead of Adult Swim's marathon on Friday night, here's a look back at our thoughts on Rick and Morty Season 7 - our favorite season so far.
When you start off talking about Season 7 of Adult Swim's Rick and Morty by declaring it the best top-to-bottom season of the Emmy Award-winning animated series' seven-season run, you know you're going to get pushback. Just to be clear, I'm not talking about those who shit on the season even before it started – and continued to through the early episodes – out of some bizarre allegiance to ousted co-creator Justin Roiland. They lost their right to have a seat at the big kids' table. But for those who want to argue for the previous six, I can respect where they're coming from. But for me, the seventh season is a 10-episode run that I can binge straight through seamlessly – learning something new with each watch while being left still feeling like I missed something. It was a season of growth & change on a number of levels, with our dimension-hopping duo taking on Rick Prime, Evil Morty, and their greatest arch-nemesis of all time… their own fears.
We'll be spending a decent chunk of the off-season peeling away the season's thematic layers, seeing if we can get a clearer picture of what lies ahead. But with Adult Swim running a Season 7 marathon tonight, I thought I'd pass along the behind-the-scenes feature for each, followed by a link to my reviews and a quick one-liner takeaway from the episode:
Rick and Morty S07E01 Review: Hugh Jackman, Predators & Friendship: Rick learns that being a good friend means sometimes being the party-pooper.
Rick and Morty S07E02 "The Jerrick Trap" Redefines Rick/Jerry Dynamic: The only thing keeping Rick and Jerry from realizing just how similar they are? Each other.
Rick and Morty S07E03 Review: Rick Sanchez: (Slow) Change Agent: Rick faces some serious challenges to his therapy-related changes – and makes it through alive (though not unscathed emotionally).
Rick and Morty Season 7 Ep. 4 "That's Amorte" Review: Lost Appetites: Death is inevitable, but it's the lives that we lead that make us "delicious" – and can make us lose our "appetites."
Rick and Morty S07E05 Review: The Game-Changer We Hoped It Would Be: I'm still trying the process the sheer level of heartbreak that Rick's feeling over losing Diane in every dimension – an infinite tragedy.
Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 6 Review: Adventures in Adventuring: Rick, Morty, Summer, Jerry & Beth stopped being ashamed and judgemental, making for some interesting family unity moments.
Rick and Morty S07E07 "Wet Kuat Amortican Summer" Opened Our Minds: This was the Summer/Morty bonding episode that I needed it to be – and not in a really bad joke kinda way.
Rick and Morty Season 7 Ep. 8 Had No Right Being That Much Fun: Review: Otherwise known as "'Rick and Morty' Takes on 'Schoolhouse Rock!'" because it found some very fucked up ways to offer an appreciation for numbers, music & math.
Rick and Morty S07E09 "Mort: Ragnarick" Review: You Gotta Have Faith: This was the one that left me with a question mark in that I can't shake this feeling that Rick was looking for the ability to tap into infinite power for another reason. Hmmm…
Rick and Morty Face Some All-Too-Real Fears: Season 7 Ep. 10 Review: While a lot of folks had their moments to shine this season – with Rick getting some serious closure and new possibilities – this was the episode that left me feeling that the season's overarching spotlight was on Morty. And it looks like – at least for now – Morty might just be okay. Well, as "okay" as he can be, all things considered…