Posted in: Comics, TV | Tagged: #dceased, dc, long beach, robert garcia, robert kirkman, walking dead
DC-Loving Long Beach Mayor Trashes Walking Dead, Praises DCeased; Robert Kirkman Responds
Robert Garcia, the DC-loving mayor of Long Beach California, used his bully pulpit to fire shots at the Walking Dead while simultaneously praising the upcoming DC Comics zombie project, DCeased. Garcia, who has long expressed his love of all things DC, took a shot at the rival comic book property via Twitter on Thursday, writing in response to the recently announced 3rd Walking Dead show, "Wish they would just focus on making the main show good again."
But Garcia still has room in his heart for zombie properties, so long as they are produced by his beloved DC Comics. Speaking of DCeased, the upcoming pun-based DC series which will see DC heroes take on zombie-like residents of the DC Comics universe, Garcia tweeted just one hour later, "Batman and Supes fighting Zombies is why I still read comics."
The troubling nature of an elected official showing deference to the superhero-industrial complex is something we won't get into here, because things got a lot more interesting when Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman responded to Garcia's tweet, taking a shot at the entire city of Long Beach when he tweeted, "You're going to freak out when you find out the third Walking Dead show is about walkers fighting Batman and Superman," adding the hashtag: #longbeachmorelikewrongbeach.
Could tensions rising between Garcia, the chief executive of California's 7th-largest City, and Kirkman, the third most powerful person to ever come out of Kentucky behind former first lady Mary Todd Lincoln and military and chicken genius Colonel Sanders, be a sign that the country is on the path toward another civil war?
We can't answer that for sure, but we were disturbed to find this German news report showing an army of zombies already amassed within the city of Long Beach, prepared to strike at a moment's notice.
Truly frightening.
At press time, Garcia had not yet responded to Kirkman's rebuke, indicating that relations had potentially broken down beyond repair and that All Out War might be unavoidable. We'll keep you posted on this breaking story as it develops.