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Spy x Family Season 1 Ep 20 Review: Fun Filler Makes for Uneven Effort
This week's episode of Crunchyroll's Spy x Family, "Investigate the General Hospital" & "Decipher the Perplexing Code," was another fun and humorous 2-in-1. These past few episodes have been a very different vibe that has built up the story and fleshed out the characters nicely. While I'm not always up for fillers, these feel more like lead-ins to bigger storylines. It has taken some getting used to with regard to this different pace, but it has been a fun rollercoaster.
In "Investigate the General Hospital," Anya has been assigned homework: research a career she is interested in and sees a professional in action. She first goes to Yor, and we can all imagine how that went. She imagined the whole scenario in her head while taking Anya on a mission to assassinate someone. I think this was my favorite part. I love Yor and how badass she is at night & how silly during the day. It's like a different type of Sailor Moon, deadlier at moonlight. Anya's expressions are currently everything, though, especially when she is creeped out or feeling mischievous. I also thought it was super sweet that Yor imagined that whole scenario with Anya; it was so endearing.
However, thank goodness Loid arrived at the best time: he agrees to be Anya's career guinea pig and show her around the hospital while she shadows him. Anya, though, instead of taking notes on the Psychiatric side of things, just takes notes on the ongoing commentary in his mind about being a spy. It was a little adventurous, and I loved that it portrayed Anya as a kid being a kid: running away to explore dad's secrets while he is pulled away by a WISE agent. Her scaring the doctors into believing in ghosts was pretty funny and had me giggling throughout. Though the one thing that takes the cake was her report and how bad she made Loid look— nothing funnier than kids confusing teachers and having them have to call Loid into the school to explain himself. I think this was the one time I really believed Anya's age; I can imagine a kid with her powers would definitely screw up a ton of times.
Part two, "Decipher the Perplexing Code," was about Anya and her coming up with her own secret code after watching an episode of Spy Wars. The code just asked the reader to meet the writer at the bridge on Saturday at 8. She gives a copy to her friends, one to a lady in the building, and one to Frankie, who does understand the code and thinks it is from a love interest standpoint. It was a funny little side story that I wish would have gotten us somewhere or we would have gotten more from, but it just kinda ended with Anya sleeping through her alarm.
I know I am not always receptive to side stories when it comes to Spy x Family, so I have been trying to set my preconceived expectations about fillers, especially because it does seem these do help flesh out the characters and build up relationships at Eden Academy. So it makes sense to see little slice-of-life moments that show our characters growing through regular life. That said, I am very curious about the next episode, even more so after reading jealousy. Will Yor be jealous of one of Loid's acquaintances? I am always hoping to get more of these two building toward a relationship. Regardless if it ends up being love or friendship, I hope they get to know their true identities and like each other for them… warts and all. I know this can also go "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," but here's hoping for a less violent better outcome.