Posted in: Game Of Thrones, HBO, TV | Tagged: A Clash of Kings, a song of ice and fire, Clash of Kings, game of thrones, george r r martin, grrm
Still Not "Winds of Winter": "A Clash of Kings" Getting Anniversary Edition
Cue the "Song of Ice and Fire" fans shaking their heads yet again- George R. R. Martin is releasing yet-another-still-not-Winds-Of-Winter book next year.
This time, it'll be a new edition of the sequel to "Game Of Thrones", "A Clash of Kings" for the 20th anniversary of the novel's publishing.
GRRM and co did this for the first novel's 20th anniversary in 2016, with a beautiful illustrated edition of the saga of Westeros. The tome featured 73 pieces of art depicting various iconic moments and locations from the novel done by artists from around the world. It sold well then, and is still selling well now, as GRRM points out on his not-a-blog blog.
The blog is also where Martin announced plans for the "Clash of Kings" illustrated anniversary edition:
The anniversary edition was a big success, and is still selling strongly two years later. (If you'd like to snag an autographed copy, you can get one from the bookstore at the Jean Cocteau. We are out of stock at the moment, but we have more on order, and I will be defacing them with my illegible scrawl as soon as they come in — which will, alas, probably not be in time for Xmas).
So… drum roll please… we've going to do it again.
The second volume of A Song of Ice and Fire, A CLASH OF KINGS, was published in 1999. (Seems like yesterday, honestly. And I still recall the three years between books, when readers would email me to ask what was taking so long for book two, since Other Fantasy Author [fill in your choice] put out a book a year, rain or shine, and why was I taking so long? Sigh. Those were the days, when I was only two years late). Next year will mark the twentieth anniversary of its release, so Bantam Spectra will be doing a deluxe leatherbound edition of CLASH as well.
As with GOT, the anniversary edition will be lavishly illustrated with both color plates and black and white.
Our artist this time around will be an amazing young talent named LAUREN CANNON. You can see some samples of her work on her own website, here. I love her paintings, and we're all looking forward to working with her, and seeing her unique take on my world and characters.
Bantam Spectra is expected to reveal a release date for the anniversary edition sometime in the New Year.