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WrestleMania Night 2 Roundtable: Card, Start Time, Predictions, More
Greetings, comrades! It is I, your El Presidente, and it is your honor for me to host your Bleeding Cool WrestleMania Roundtable for Night 2 of the most stupid… sorry, stupendous two-night WrestleMania in history. WrestleMania takes place in Texas this year at AT&T Stadium on Saturday, April 2nd and Sunday, April 3rd. The show will stream on Peacock in the United States and on the WWE Network elsewhere. The kickoff show each night begins at 7PM Eastern and the main card kicks off at 8PM, so you have until then to steel yourselves.
To celebrate the biggest wrestling event of the year, your El Presidente ordered the writers of Bleeding Cool to supply me with their thoughts on each of the matches on the show. And now, comrades, I am ordering all of you to read those thoughts… or suffer the consequences!
WrestleMania Night 1 was highlighted by the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin for one more match. The Rattlesnake defeated Kevin Owens in one of his trademark brawls, overshadowing pretty much everything else that happened, which was a good thing because aside from a few highlights, there was a lot of filler on night one. Will Night 2 be any different? Well, it won't have a Stone Cold match to save it in any case, comrades. Unless he's still in town. Can you do another one, Steve? Haw haw haw haw!
Bleeding Cool Presents El Presidente's Stupendously Stupid WWE WrestleMania Night 2 Roundtable
You've seen the Supercard of Honor! You've traversed the Multiverse of Matches! You watched Stone Cold keep his shirt on for a serviceable return match in 2022! Now the fun is over! Here are all the matches scheduled for WrestleMania Night 1!
WWE Champion vs. Universal Champion Winner Take All Championship Unification Match – WWE Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Universal Champion Roman Reigns
Chad McMahon: The Chadster can say without a shadow of a doubt that The Chadster has literally never been more excited for anything in his entire life than he is for Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. The Chadster wasn't even this nervous on his wedding day! Then again, things were a lot simpler then. AEW didn't exist and The Chadster was still capable of performing sexually. But The Chadster digresses. The point is that The Chadster is hyped for this match, and no matter who wins, it's the fans who will enjoy the spoils. But if The Chadster had to pick a winner, it would be Roman Reigns.
Ryan Fassett: The "biggest WrestleMania match of all time" eh? No way that'll disappoint… All that nonsense aside, I think the quality will come down to how much time either guy wants to put into this one. While we've seen this match way too many times to get excited for it, they are capable of putting on an okay-enough match together when they're motivated. I think this needs something extra to make it really work, so hopefully they up the violence and get some blood involved. I think Reigns wins it.
Jude Terror: Everyone knows that none of these matches or the storylines leading up to them matter. All WWE cares about is the "moment." The moment, in this case, will be Michael Cole shouting about how the world must now acknowledge Roman Reigns because he's conquered the Beast and become the undisputed champion, which we will hear ad nauseam for years to come in various video packages.
Gavin Sheehan: I've already seen this match 7 times, 2 of them at WrestleMania, and nothing about the previous 7 has made me want to watch an 8th. Other than seeing Paul Heyman freak out at ringside. Brock's going to go over, because if he doesn't, then a lot of the buildup for Roman running through everyone else was pointless.
Jeremy Konrad: Roman wins, and he should. I am on record saying that he should hold the title with no interruptions for as long as possible, like three years. In this day and age, is that too boring for people? Maybe, but to me, the person who rises up to dethrone him will get the biggest rub of the modern era. Is that person on the roster right now? I don't know. I have a feeling they want it to be Gable Steveson. So, let Reigns win. He's the best thing on WWE TV anyway. If anyone can keep a long title run like this interesting, it is this version of Reigns. I'm not ready for it to be over yet.
Tom Chang: I feel like a broken record like everyone else seeing this match for the 324th time give or take a 100. Brock's mic work is the only thing refreshing about this largely recycled fair that sees Paul Heyman jump around all over the place. Roman goes over here, because the man needs to continue to eat at the head of the table to stay credible. I'm almost begging for a Cody Rhodes-run in here to spice things up and put him in the main event picture to set up the next feud.
Edge vs. AJ Styles
Chad McMahon: The fans seem to be into this matchup, which makes The Chadster a little bit skeptical. You can never trust the fans. They always have an ulterior motive. Then again, The Chadster would never dare question Vince McMahon's judement, so he's sure this is going to be a great match. Edge will probably win since he has the stronger beard.
Ryan Fassett: This is the match I'm most looking forward to and the one I anticipate might steal the show. Both guys are greats and know how to bring it on a big stage, plus the excitement of them having never faced each other before makes this a fun thing. I don't know who will win and honestly, I don't care. I just want a good match and I suspect we'll get one.
Jude Terror: Two all-time greats facing each other at WrestleMania. Imagine what it could have been like if WWE had bothered to tell literally any story around this matchup before a few weeks ago, when they randomly had Edge do the Taylor Swift heel turn. Sorry, the old Edge can't come to the phone right now. Both of these guys are in the twilight of their in-ring career. Both are beloved by fans. But I have a suspicion WWE sees Styles as a jobber to the stars, able to give aging vets memorable matches but never again in line for a big push or title reign (until perhaps leading up to his retirement). Therefore, Edge wins here.
Gavin Sheehan: The potential show stealer of the night, even though the company did cartwheels to get here and turned Edge heel for no good reason. AJ is the kind of guy who will make Edge look amazing and not bang up his neck. And Edge is the kind of guy who will make AJ look phenomenal with every move. Its a tough one, but when in doubt, bet on age and loyalty. Edge wins after some kind of sequence that leads to a weird spear and the pin.
Jeremy Konrad: Ditto, Ryan. What he said.
Tom Chang: A pure fantasy match fulfilled with AJ Styles against another WWE legend. This will meet and likely, exceed every expectation, period. It's another pick 'em. AJ should win, but I'm with everyone that Edge goes over here.
Johnny Knoxville vs. Sami Zayn
Chad McMahon: First of all, The Chadster just wants to say to Johnny Knoxville: thank you! The Chadster knows that celebrities have a lot of choices when it comes to what wrestling promotion to have a match for, and The Chadster is grateful to the creator of Jackass for lending his celebrity to The Chadster's beloved WWE. As a result, Knoxville should definitely get the pin over Sami Zayn at WrestleMania so that other celebrities see and want to have matches in WWE as well. That's what's best for business.
Ryan Fassett: Woof. Alright, so I guess we're going to have them do some dumbass stunt or something ridiculous here and that's supposed to get the crowd to pop. But it's WrestleMania and that's not a very accepting crowd, so I expect this to get dumped on. There's no title involved, so I can see Knoxville winning.
Jude Terror: Loser who jobs to celebrities is basically Sami Zayn's gimmick these days, right? He'll do the job for Johnny Knoxville and then it's onto the next D-lister or has-been.
Gavin Sheehan: Zayn is probably one of the few people on the roster who could get a great match out of Knocksville and not break him in half. The dude is 51 and has forgotten more about pain and had more visits to the ER than you or I will ever know, but that doesn't mean he can't be broken again. It wouldn't surprise me to see the rest of the Jackass crew come down to help him, because hey, someone's gotta play Hornswoggle and Wee-Man probably fits the costume. Knoxville for the win and the cheap promotion of Jackass Forever on Paramount+.
Jeremy Konrad: Poor Sami. Maybe he will win MITB and get a program with Reigns out of this.
Tom Chang: Knoxville will be the recipient of all the spots from Zayn and it will be a classic ECW-style squash match with Zayn playing the role of Sabu, RVD, or Jerry Lynn. Perhaps the Jackass cast will make it appear like a handicap match, but it's just more fodder for the crazy (blood-free) spots.
Raw Tag Team Championship Match – RK-Bro (c) vs. The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy
Chad McMahon: The Chadster is so excited to see the eight most important main roster WWE championship defended at the most stupendous WrestleMania of all time! The Chadster finds it so disrespectful that Tony Khan tried to steal Vince McMahon's thunder by booking FTR vs. The Briscoes for the same weekend as WrestleMania, but RKBro, The Street Profits, and Alpha Academy are going to show them the true meaning of tag team wrestling. The Chadster hopes Alpha Academy wins here because The Chadster really identifies with Shorty G.
Ryan Fassett: I just don't care about this match at all. I'm not a fan of any of these teams and there's nothing really intriguing here. This should have been a Ladder Match or something to give it an edge, but as is, this looks like a match we'd see on any given week's Raw.
Jude Terror: The Street Profits have been claiming it's "Takeback Season" since they lost the belts in, what was it, 2020? Even a broken clock is right twice a decade. RKBro are amusing, but the gimmick isn't a long-term one and WWE is probably already looking at breaking them up. Alpha Academy will never amount to anything serious (not that WWE tag belts are "serious" though). Tough one. I'll go with a Street Profits victory after Orton gives Riddle the three most dangerous letters in Sports Entertainment.
Gavin Sheehan: I would love this to be the beginning of the end for RK-Bro for the storyline and eventual mega-match as SummerSlam, but that's wishful thinking. Much like the Smackdown tag titles, there's nothing of interest in the Raw belts either beyond who is holding them right now. So… RK-Bro goes over and we have a flip-flop party.
Jeremy Konrad: Man, as someone who grew up on tag team wrestling, the state of the WWE division makes me so sad. I guess Street Profits, only because I dislike Riddle so much. I am glad Randy is having fun though.
Tom Chang: I'm not really invested in any of the teams. It should be a toss-up between Alpha Academy and Street Profits with RK-Bro losing in controversial fashion that lead to their eventual break-up. RK-Bro will retain, because they're the most over.
Women's Tag Team Championship Match – Queen Zelina & Carmella (c) vs. Sasha Banks & Naomi vs. Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan vs. Natalya & Shayna Baszler
Chad McMahon: WWE revolutionized women's wrestling with the Women's Revolution that became the Women's Evolution, and they've revolutionized it once again with the Women's Devolution, bringing back Johnny Ace to start the next Divas age of WWE. And atop the new Divas division stands the Women's Tag Team Champions, Queen Zelina and Carmella. It would be foolish of WWE to take the belt off the two wrestlers who epitomize the new era, so hopefully Queen Zelina and Carmella win here. No matter who wins the match, though, it's the fans like The Chadster who will reap the rewards. Now, let's see. When two women are in a match in the Divas era it gets two minutes o time, so with eight women, that means the match will probably go eight minutes. Hopefully, everybody can keep up. The Chadster is rooting for you.
Ryan Fassett: I have to assume either Banks/Naomi or Ripley/Morgan is winning this one. It's a pretty buried title and the other two teams don't exactly excite any fans.
Jude Terror: There are women's tag team titles? Did anyone tell the booking team?
Gavin Sheehan: There's a booking team?
Jeremy Konrad: If they put any effort into this division it could be fun and what us tag team wrestling fans are looking for. Oh well. Ripley and Morgan win.
Tom Chang: Another match courtesy of WWE Creative that ran out of ideas for these talented women. I'm with Ryan that either team of Sasha & Naomi or Rhea and Liv go over here.
Pat McAfee vs. Austin Theory
Chad McMahon: The Chadster can't decide who to root for in this match. Both men are the kind of guy The Chadster wishes he could be like. When in doubt, go with the guy who is closest to being an actual celebrity, so The Chadster predicts a Pat McAfee win.
Ryan Fassett: McAfee was surprisingly decent in his NXT matches, but to be fair, that was with very seasoned guys who could carry him and make him look good. Theory is a talented young wrestler, but not to the point of carrying anyone else through a match. I fear this one will get way too much time and will be filled with shenanigans, but I guess McAfee will win to get some revenge on Theory.
Jude Terror: I have to admit, I'm not really sure if either of these guys is meant to be a babyface. I honestly can't tell. I find both unlikeable, so I'll assume that's on purpose and they're meant to be heels. I don't really care who wins this one, but since Theory is the one who would benefit more from winning, and this is WWE, I'll go with McAfee.
Gavin Sheehan: I read the title of this match and fell asleep before I could get to Austin's last name. I have about as much interest in this match as Bron Breakker has for the safety of his fellow performers. So… (flips coin), Pat goes over and Vince stops helping Theory.
Jeremy Konrad: Love Pat, love Theory. This could actually be a sleeper match, like Bad Bunny last year. I'll take Pat for the W.
Tom Chang: Both will get their spots in, might steal the show for day 2. Pat loves Vince. Vince loves Pat. Pat goes over.
Bobby Lashley vs. Omos
Chad McMahon: Omos is very tall. Lashley is very large. The Chadster is pretty sure Vince McMahon values tall over large, and The Chadster could never hope to understand as much about the wrestling business as Vince McMahon, so The Chadster predicts Omos walks out with the victory.
Ryan Fassett: I feel similar for Bobby Lashley as I do Drew McIntyre. I think we'll see him pull-off some big strength move here and slam Omos or something, but they seem pretty deadset on pushing Omos to the moon, despite how dreadful he is in the ring, so I think he'll win.
Jude Terror: How is WWE going to get Hall-of-Famer Donald Trump in a WrestleMania match next year if they job out his former champion to Omos? Bobby Lashley wins here. Plus, they owe it to him after the WWE Championship fiasco.
Gavin Sheehan: In a recent interview, The Undertaker compared Omos to Andre The Giant. Which is bullshit, because he isn't as beloved and doesn't drink nearly as much. If Lashley does come back for this match in time, he better get the biggest check of his career making a 7'3" telephone pole look like the greatest uncrowned world champion ever. Because if there's one thing McMahon values over muscles, it's height.
Jeremy Konrad: Omos is the new Giant Gonzalez. Prove me wrong. Lashley wins, cause in this day and age, winning doesn't matter unless they say it does, and here, it don't matter.
Tom Chang: In a perfect world, the two would knock each other out in a spectacular fashion and the match couldn't continue. Knowing WWE, they'll mess this up and someone either Lashley or Omos will come away looking even worse due to the booking.