cable Archives

This week, Marvel Comics published Cable #4, X-Men #34, Invincible Iron Man #18 and X-Men Unlimited #137 as the Fall Of X plays out its death throes Just don;t expect any Dominion discussion, that will come next week… now Cable is technically part of Fall Of X according to its cover and the X-Men checklist[...]
Cable Josh Brolin
Following the success of the film, Reynolds followed up with a 2018 sequel Deadpool 2 that also introduced live-action Marvel fans to Josh Brolin's Cable, who sadly won't be returning for the upcoming sequel as the actor, who's promoting his Prime Video series Outer Range spoke to The Playlist's Bingeworthy TV podcast on his absence[...]
Interior preview page from CABLE #4 WHILCE PORTACIO COVER
Well, folks, just when you thought the stakes couldn't get any higher, Marvel is dropping Cable #4 into our laps this Wednesday Brace yourselves for an adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster, as time ticks down, and choices grow even worse than the ones at your local fast food joint. TIME'S RUN OUT – THE NEOCRACY IS AT YOUR DOOR![...]
Interior preview page from CABLE #3 WHILCE PORTACIO COVER
Hey there, fans of temporal paradoxes and overcomplicated family trees, this Wednesday, March 27th is the day to give your local comic shop's time-space continuum a shake with the arrival of Cable #3 But let's see what Marvel's pamphlet of predestination has in store for us this time, shall we? PROTECT THE FUTURE – NO MATTER[...]
Marvel Comics Wednesday
This week's titles include Cable #2, Dead X-Men #2, Invincible Iron Man #15, Resurrection Of Magneto #2, Wolverine #44 and X-Men Unlimited #128. Resurrection Of Magneto #2 I have no idea why the Krakoan language in the necrosphere of Resurrection Of Magneto reads "BJ, " but I don't think I'd take one from the depicted hentai horror[...]
Interior preview page from CABLE #2 WHILCE PORTACIO COVER
It's your favorite cable-knit sweater model turned warrior, Cable, and his mini-me, dialing into comic book shelves this Wednesday That's right, folks, Cable #2 promises chronal chaos and petrifying predicaments But really, what's a week in the life of a Summers without some casual temporal tampering and potential permanent petrification? Let's see what the Marvel[...]
Interior preview page from CABLE #1 WHILCE PORTACIO COVER
And if you thought the market was oversaturated before, brace yourself: Marvel's throwing another timeline-tangling extravaganza at us with Cable #1, hitting the shelves faster than Cable can say "chronological paradox." Now, this Wednesday, January 17th, you may find yourself trapped in an existential dilemma: to buy or not to buy—that is the question! THE FUTURE[...]
2023's Most-Watched Television Networks Ranking Offers Some Concerns
To many, the growth of streaming has been seen as the death knell for broadcast & cable networks moving forward Based on the ranking of this year's "Most-Watched Television Networks" by Variety's Michael Schneider, it seems like those folks would be right While the four major broadcasters took the top four spots (NBC, CBS, ABC[...]
With only Cable and Bishop to stand in their way, the end of human- and mutantkind both is at hand. Oh, the End is at hand again? How many Ends is that this month? Can someone check the doomsday counter? If you were hoping for a happily-ever-after where every character gets a puppy and a retirement[...]
Fabian Nicieza Writes A Krakoan X-Men Comic For Cable
Such as a new Cable comic book story launching from X-Force and New Mutants writer of three decades ago, Fabian Nicieza, with Scot Eaton, returning to the character he is most associated with, usually these comics are set in the past – and so is this… it just happened to be the very recent past[...]
Auto Draft
X-Men Red #10 featured this scene, with Cable creating a techno-organic suit for himself from his aggressors Looking to take on Orbis Stellaris "man-to-man… and quite literally face-to-face", with the intergalactic arms dealer literally coming our of his shell But the phrase is another dive for Al Ewing and Stefano Caselli … …as it refers to a[...]
Was it something that Showtime did? Earlier today, we had Succession star Brian Cox taking a shot at one of the cabler's biggest shows (Billions), basically saying it's the "cautionary tale" example of shows not knowing when to end their runs Well, apparently, that was what we would call the "tip of the iceberg" based[...]
Marvel Comics
Uranos has just one hour same time to bring it to its knees. AXE: Judgment Day #1 We also saw the deaths of Cable – who was resurrected And the death of Magneto – who can no longer be. AXE: Judgment Day #1 So while today's Immortal X-Men #5 tells the tale of Earth – and Krakoa – being[...]
Stranger Things 4, Kate Bush & A Rallying Cry for Our Times: BCTVDD
It's time for the real silent majority to stop being silent… Here's a look at today's BCTV Daily Dispatch, our morning rundown of television/streaming coverage from the past 24 hours: So What If The Flash Wrapped with Season 8? Showrunner Talks Plans Interview with the Vampire Key Art: Anne Rice's Words Tell The Story Harley Quinn: Patrick Schumacker Confirms[...]
Doctor Who
And he gives great hugs, too! (5) Jeff Ross: So what do Pamela Anderson, William Shatner, Flavor Flav, Bob Saget, Larry the Cable Guy, Joan Rivers, David Hasselhoff, Donald Trump, Charlie Sheen, Roseanne Barr, James Franco, Justin Bieber, Rob Lowe, Bruce Willis, and Alec Baldwin have in common? They've all been third-degree-burned by the "Roastmaster General" himself[...]