Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, green lantern, movie, racism
"Just Seen The Green Lantern Trailer…Why Is He Not A Black Guy?"
It was one of those oddities I came across a couple of years ago. Most people who have heard of Green Lantern, think he's black.
When I say "most people", I'm not talking comic readers. Comic readers are not most people.
And, indeed, most people have never actually heard of Green Lantern.
But of those who have, they are more likely to have come across Green Lantern on the more recent Justice League cartoons, than have read the comic. And the Green Lantern who appears in that cartoon? John Stewart. An human Green Lantern – who happens to be black. The choice of Lantern was clearly made to diversify the otherwise horrendously white (and green) team – something that has often not bothered the comic book version.
So, with these millions of viewers who believe that Green Lantern is black, a number seem to have been surprised to see the trailer for the movie. Which shows the white Green Lantern character portrayed by a white actor.
And Twitter is exploding.
booker22 I could've sworn that he was black in the cartoons… Now they make a movie and turn the green lantern white…
AYOPHOTOGRAPHY I thought the Green Lantern was Black O_o
PhaaatAlbert I love Ryan Renolds, but GREEN LANTERN WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BLACK!
gorgeous_poison i thought the green lantern was black ? yo they tripping !
madylove09 So. If I'm not mistaken, isn't The Green Lantern black?
0h_So_LawLess: Green Lantern movie coming out. The have a white guy playing him. Smh, one of the only black superheros and they made him white. Smh.
Frizellikz_: Ok isn't the Green Lantern sapposed to be a BLACK super hero?<=hell yea dey played us
Prissy_Coco: The Green Lantern suppose to be black right? So why am I looking at a white nigga n his suit black ppl can't have shit"
shotgun_BANG :Theres a green lantern movie & i'm MADDDDD upset because he's supposed to be black!
Dace_Face The green lantern is black .. Now why in the movie he white
wtfryank: The green lantern is supposed to be black. Ryan Reynolds say whaaat?
JaiBella14: Why is green lantern ryan reynolds he's black in the comics I thought??? // That's what I be sayin.
sc4bway: Just saw The Green Lantern movie preview and the green lantern is white! Thats the only black superhero!
Mack_FBMG: Hey The green Lantern Is BLACK! WTF IS THIS WHITE GUY LMAO!
Impala_ryder: They making a green lantern movie and the main character is white…..everybody kno the green lantern was BLACK…..smdh
niki71891: Soooo DC comcis…….gonna make the green lantern……white….nigga suppose 2 be BLACK!!!
longliveamour: Uh Uh! Green Lantern supposed to be black!!!!
zacflywalker: Harry potter is siiiiick still pissed that the green lantern isn't a black man anymore!
AsiaLikeTheTown: The Green Lantern trailer doesn't look remotely entertaining…especially since the original Green Lantern was a black dude!
Eiofhighrollers: Just Seen The Green Lantern Trailer…Why Is He Not A Black Guy?
You know, around now would be a really good time for DC and/or Warner to mention that Nick Jones is actually going to playing John Stewart in the movie.