Posted in: Comics | Tagged: bat-mite, Bizarro, Comics, constantine, dan didio, dc, dc comics, doomed, hellblazer, instorecomiccon, juneminirelaunch, mystic u, omega men, prez
Dan DiDio Just Answered My Questions On Prez, Doomed, Mystic U And Section 8
So I write this recently. About how there were four books from the June mini-relaunch that I was really excited about, but seemed not to be lighting the fanbase on fire.
Prez, Doomed, Mystic U and Section 8.
So, since I was watching the InStore Comic Convention Kickoff, and Dan DiDio was on the screen, I tweeted out,
#conventionkickoff question for Dan… what can you tell us about Doomed, Mystic U, Prez or Section 8?
— Rich Johnston (@richjohnston) March 7, 2015
Minutes later, Dan DiDio was answering, and I didn't even have to be a media partner.
DiDio talked about how Mystic U by Alisa Kwitney was part of a new look at the mystic side of the DC Universe along with Dark Universe and Hellblazer: John Constantine, and the writers had recently held a mini-summit. My take is, if you are reading Dark Universe ahead of the Guillermo Del Toro project, or Constantine from the TV show, then maybe picking up Mystic U might not be a bad idea either.
Doomed picks up from the Scott Lobdell's Superman: Doomed storyline, with the Doomed spores, and you find out what happens when an alien virus infects someone and how they can change in the process. With a big brooding strong character, the kind Dan Didio loves to see in comics.
Prez "possibly my personal favourite, a little book that could" said Dan, full of incredibly interesting ideas, with a strange voice with a sense of humour, a real bite and edgy sensibilities to how it approaches things
And Section 8 "is exactly what people think it is", with Garth Ennis and John McCrea, that everyone has their fingers crossed over, that breaks the office out into hysterical laughter. The staff are not sure if DC should do the book, "but what the heck" , it's irreverent, the opposite end of the spectrum for DC books. And that's what makes the line, from Batmite and Bizarro's all ages titles, pushed to the other side with Section 8 and the dark, biting Omega Men….
And what's nice about this way of presenting info, is that it is direct to comic store customers, in the store, where they can then make purchasing and pull list decisions, there and then. I'll certainly be back…
Check out more of our In-Store Comic Convention Kickoff coverage right here.