What really happened with Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning on The Legion? Gail Simone remembers... and posts...
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How Much Are Those Rey Figures Selling For On eBay?
The chase is on… can you find those all elusive Rey figures from Star Wars: The Force Awakens? If you could there are plenty of people willing to take them off your hands…
Rey and BB-8 Limited Edition Figure – $199.99 RRP, sold for $399.99 on eBay
Elite Series Rey and BB-8 die cast action figures – $24.95 RRP, sold for $80 on eBay
Black Series Rey and BB-8 $19.99 RRP, sold for $67 on eBay
Rey 12" (Jakku) Figure $9.99 RRP, sold for $57 on eBay
Rey 3.75" (Starkiller BAse) $7.99 RRP sold, sold for $29.99 on eBay

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