Gang Beasts is a multiplayer party game where players control gelatinous characters and take part in slaptstick fight sequences. It's a party game meant
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Gearbox, Gearbox Software, rime, Tequila Works
Rime 2nd Dev Diary And Screenshots
The second video in Grey Box and Tequila Works' series of Dev Diaries for RiME has hit today, along with new screenshots. The new video focuses on how the game's art, color, sound, and music design "shape the player's emotional arc" and help create the rich fantasy world of RiME.
If you missed it last month, catch the first developer diary here.
Rime is set to release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on May 26, and later this summer for the Nintendo Switch.
The new screenshots are below and show off quite a few of the game's beautiful environments.
The new Dev Diary is below.

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