Posted in: Comics | Tagged: c2e2, fcbd, free comic book day, marvel, nick spencer, secret empire, spoilers, super-mega-crossover events
What Happens On The Final Page Of Secret Empire FCBD That Has People Screaming? (Secret Empire Spoilers)
This article contains spoilers for Marvel's Secret Empire Free Comic Book Day special, which will be in stores on May 6.
At the Secret Empire panel at C2E2 last night, a few lucky fans were invited onstage to read Secret Empire FCBD early…
With a shocking reveal rumored for the final page, the issue even had some people literally screaming…
So what could provoke such a reaction? Are you sure you want to know?
Well, why should those select fans at the panel have all the fun? Let's democratize these spoilers.
Apparently, the final page of Secret Empire FCBD ends with Steve Rogers holding Mjolnir high over fallen Marvel heroes. It seems that while Mjolnir is notoriously picky about who is worthy enough to lift it and possess the powers of Thor, the Marvel Universe's number one fascist is totally qualified for the job. The last page shocker was revealed to us by a delightful Little Bleeder in the comments of one of our articles, and we were able to verify that it's true.
So how did an agent of Hydra manage to lift the mighty Mjolnir? It makes sense that a fascist would be considered worthy by the standards of the Norse gods. After all, the original Nazis were big fans.
Or, perhaps, the hammer senses Steve Rogers for who he really is inside, regardless of what the Red Skull's manipulation has done to his past. If so, that seems like a dangerous loophole for a magical weapon of mass destruction. Do the Dwarven blacksmiths who forged it have an email we can contact to complain about their quality control? No one responds to the ones we keep sending to Marvel.
Secret Empire's Free Comic Book Day issue will be available for free in comic shops on Saturday, May 6.