Posted in: Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, Recent Updates, Review, Showtime, TV | Tagged: angelo badalamenti, bclive, black lodge, cable, Dale Cooper, david lynch, james hurley, james marshall, Kyle MacLachlan, liveblog, recap, showtime, television, tv, twin peaks, Twin Peaks The Return, white lodge
'Twin Peaks' Part 13 Recap: 'I Only Want To Die Or Change'
We're getting into the home-stretch as all of our players are starting to converge on Twin Peaks…while the town itself seems to be crawling towards something dark and maddening. That's where we stand going into Twin Peaks Season 3, Episode 13: What story is that, Charlie?. Similar to what I did last week, there's a video of my overall takeaway and "spare parts" from the episode below, and you can catch-up on my live-blog thoughts by clicking here.
Here's a quick visual recap from Showtime:
But first…a couple of things to keep in mind before we get started:
● This isn't a formal review — more of a recap-ish type thing — but it will cover some themes and takeaways involving major and minor storyline developments from the episode. I'm sticking with thoughts, observations and recaps for this second half of the season, reserving overall judgment until the season is over.
● If you're just coming aboard this twisted little journey, then you've got some serious catching up to do. I would recommend my friends at Wikipedia and Showtime to get you up to speed, because attempting to recap the previous episodes would read like a serial killer's manifesto without proper context. I'm applying the J.J. Abrams/Damon Lindelof/Lost approach: at some point, you need to move forward and cater to the faithful who've been along for the ride during the entire run; and the newly converted will have to play a little catch-up…because it's worth it, dammit!
● This might be a little nit-picky, but I refer to the series as just Twin Peaks instead of Twin Peaks: The Return and this season as the third season. A point of personal privilege that I'm gifting myself, even if David Lynch decides to go with a fourth season (fingers crossed) made up of 72 15-minute episodes with dialogue in haiku form (and when it happens, remember you read it here first).
Okay…on with the recapping!
Don't forget to read up on my live-blog thoughts from this past Sunday, too — click here!
So that's it for this week. Hope you can join me next Sunday at 8:00 p.m. ET (now that Ray Donovan is back for a new season) right here on Bleeding Cool for our Playing With Fire live-blog of Twin Peaks, Part 14: We are like the dreamer.. See you then!
Here's a bonus video of James Hurley (James Marshall) performing the song Just You by Angelo Badalamenti with lyrics by Lynch.