Posted in: Current News, Editor's Picks TV News, Movies, TV | Tagged: Adult Swim, animation, Beth, cable, cartoon network, cartoons, dan harmon, HRL, hurricane relief, hurricanes, Jerry, mobile apps, mobile games, morty, mr. meeseeks, Pocket Mortys, puerto rico, relief efforts, rick, rick and morty, season 3, streaming, summer, television, tv
You Can Aid Puerto Rico Relief With The 'Rick And Morty' Mobile App
Today (October 1st), Adult Swim will donate 100% of all proceeds from purchases made while playing the show's mobile game app, Pocket Mortys, to hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico. Adult Swim sent out a fandom "call to action" through its Twitter account Saturday evening:
Pocket Mortys is available now through both Apple iTunes and Android Google Play, so you can get started just as soon as you're done reading this…but a quick reminder: the game itself is free to play; so if you're interested in donating, you'll need to make your way over to the in-app purchases.
If you're a Rick and Morty fan, then you probably already have the game; if not, here's what you're missing:
Join Ricks throughout the multiverse as they get swept up in the latest craze: Morty training! There are over 70 bizarre Mortys to recruit and train out there, including Mustache Morty, Wizard Morty, Cronenberg Morty and more. Assemble a dream team, then challenge rival Ricks by forcing your grandsons to battle each other. Command, combine and level up your Mortys to prove that you're the greatest Morty trainer of all space and time!
Rick and Morty premieres its third season finale, 'The Rickchurian Mortydate,' tonight on Adult Swim at 11:30 p.m. EST. The series is expected to return sometime in 2018.
When you see the ongoing relief crisis in Puerto Rico and the struggles that so many are going through to just get back to the daily basics of their lives, one of the first instincts that kicks in for me as a geek on a personal level is how much I wish we had a real Superman or Wonder Woman; a real TARDIS or transporter…maybe even a particle gun and The Vindicators.
Okay, realistically I'm pretty sure none of us has a spare particle gun boxed up in the attic somewhere (and even if you did, there's the whole issue of where you'd store your excess Isotope 322) and The Vindicators are going through a bit of a …"rebuilding" period right now; but that doesn't mean fans of Rick and Morty can't still save the day.
Bleeding Cool Chatter #3: Response To Rick And Morty's Female Writers, And Disappointing Sequels