Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Review | Tagged: Alan Moore, Anarky, azrael, Batman, batwing, batwoman, Clayface, detective comics, james tynion iv, jesus merino, miracleman, orphan, red robin, spoiler, superheroes, the first victim
Detective Comics #973 Review: The Victimization of Clayface
Clayface, empowered and driven madder by the excess clay from the Belfry's Mudroom, is now raging across Gotham City. Orphan is worried for her friend, Red Robin is out of commission, and Batman's only hope is that Dr. October may have a solution. Batwoman has a different answer in the form of a rifle given by her father. Meanwhile, Anarky and the First Victim have a disagreement of ethics.
The finale to "Fall of the Batmen" is a bit heartbreaking in seeing Clayface's descent into fear and madness. As I said in my previous review of Detective Comics, I really liked the idea of Basil Karlo joining the side of heroes. It seems unlikely that he will be able to do so after this tale. All other things put aside, Batman would likely lose public trust after this rampage, and people would be right to have concerns about a mud-monster what wrecked the city.
James Tynion IV is quite adept at keeping emotion close-at-hand when writing his Batman tales. Plus, his stint on Red Hood and the Outlaws was easily my favorite arc of the pre-Rebirth series. He keeps much of the attention on Orphan and her concerns about Clayface, Red Robin's future being sapped away by his attachment to superheroics and Batman, and Batman himself trying to keep this team from falling apart.
The Batwoman angle brings her torn loyalties into focus, coming to a head in the finale.
Going back to the finale, I am far more under-read in comics than Rich Johnston. As such, Miracleman is something I've yet to read. However, after reading his article about the similarities between Detective Comics #973 and Miracleman #15, I definitely see his point. It does read like and visually resemble a sendoff to Alan Moore's series.
That ending is a shocker, and I am eager to see where the team goes from here.
Jesus Merino's artwork brings a bit of grit and old-style detailing to the proceedings. There is a lot of expression in many of the subtler moments, and Clayface's rampage looks quite awesome. There is an impressive two-page spread of him smashing up Gotham worthy of a poster printing. Jason Wright shows why he is one of DC's best color artists with a grim yet well-balanced palette.
Detective Comics #973 is a strong finish for an intriguing arc. It makes for a tragic tale of fear, anger, and distrust. Tynion, Merino, and Wright do some fine work here, and you should definitely check it out. I highly recommend it.