Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, Patch 4.3, Square Enix
FFXIV is Holding Another Fan Gear Design Contest
Final Fantasy XIV's next patch is on its way at the end of next month, which means new gear is inbound. Now, this won't be top-level gear, as it's going to be rewarded by the new expert-level dungeon, (so if you've been grinding that Mendacity and Sigmascape Savage gear, you don't need to get upset about a new ilvl cap) but it should help you out with any side-jobs you've got leveled. This particular gear is a contest winner for the Ranged Magic DPS gear contest from last year and will be awarded in The Swallow's Compass dungeon.
Alongisde this, developer Square Enix is hosting a fourth Gear Desing Contest, for gear that will be implemented in a future patch.
This Gear Design Contest is focused on melee and ranged physical DPS gear, so if you're thinking of entering, you'll want to figure out the best Monk/Samurai, Ninja, and Bard/Mechanist gear. The competition is under way now and will run until May 21st to submit their designs for a chance to see them implemented in game by the dev team.
Square Enix has run contests like this before, with some interesting results. The gear from The Lost City of Skalla was a previous design contest winner, and that gear was pretty damn cool. The tank Creation gear was also a design contest winner, and having sported that armor for months, I was pretty pleased with it. Had a nice updated Allagan feel to it. Though the other Lost Allagan designs (from the Dev team themselves) were a bit… much. I'm looking at you, healer visor.
You can find the full rules for this latest gear design contest on the Lodestone.
For more information on Patch 4.3, which brings a new alliance raid, expert level dungeon, trial, extreme trial, Main Scenario Quests, and even a new area of the Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos, SE has launched a new minisite you can find here.
You can check out previous contest winners below.