Rich Johnston Archives

44 Thoughts About 44 Of Today's Comics – Chew, Crossed, Angela, Tooth & Claw, Thanos Vs. Hulk, Weapon X Project, Justice League 3000, Nailbter, Futures End, Dark Gods, Fairy Quest, Escape From New York,  Jennifer Blood, Shaft, Earth 2, Batman Eternal, Hellboy, Woods, Garfield, Robocop, Extinction Parade, Uber, Evil Empire Uncle Grampa, Adventure Time, Chaos, Chastity, Cloaks, Fiction Squad, Ash In Soace Death Of Apollo, The Shadow, Vampirella, Dryspell, Jack Hammer, Fight Like A Girl, Shinobi, Planet Gigantic, Grimm's Tales Of Terror, Rai, Sixth Gun, Eternal Warrior, Quantum & Woody And Wasteland
Lots of comic books out today... People are probably going to scream at the end of the new issue of Chew. Almost noting I can post from this issue will
#GivingTuesday In Comics
So you've spent all you could on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. But you still have money left. What to do with it? Comics have
Kevin Keller Gets A Beard For 2015
Kevin Keller, Archie Comics' first out gay character, saw his own series come to an end last year. But it appears that he will be returning in 2015...