Alien: Earth Series Preview including a look at Timothy Olyphant was the most-read story on Bleeding Cool yesterday.
Posted in: Comics, Lying In The Gutters | Tagged: big hero 6, bleeding cool, Comics, entertainment, granito, litg, Lying In The Gutters, midnight, Rich Johnston, rob granito
Lying In The Gutters – 19th January 2015 – Fantastic Fox
It's always fun when this kind of thing happens.
This week, I took the girls to see Big Hero 6, ahead of its UK release at the end of the month. By which time you'll probably be able to buy the DVD on Region 1. I would get annoyed at the UK/US release schedule, but hey, we got Paddington back in November, and hat's just as good a film.
Also, despite the initial kid protest, we got to stay until the end of the film for the little bit they put in there. See, it is a Marvel film…
Okay, so what did you read this week?
Top Twenty Traffic Of The Week
- 1. Fantastic Four Movie "A Mess", Goes To Reshoot
- 2. Today, One Avenger Murders Another Avenger, As Secret Wars Kicks Off
- 3. Tobey Maguire And Andrew Garfield Are Now Part Of Spider-Verse
- 4. And Finally… Frank Cho Parodies *That* Milo Manara Cover
- 5. The Announcement Of The Secret Wars Announcement To End All Announcements
- 6. Fox Spins Back As They Confirm Fantastic Four Reshoots
- 7. The 69 Star Wars #1 Variant Covers From Marvel We Can Find
- 8. New Avengers #1 In July?
- 9. Spider-Girl Is… Who Now?
- 10. Dick Grayson And The Male Gaze
- 11. Is This A Sign Of Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows?
- 12. Now Aunt May Is Spider-Man. Sorry, Spider-Ma'am.
- 13. DC Comics Solicitations For April 2015 – With Nicola Scott Nightwing Butt Shots
- 14. The 22-Year Evolution Of Spawn
- 15. Sarah Silverman In Deadpool Tells Roxxon To Get Out Of Her… What Now?
- 16. Retconning The Snap Wilson Retcon In All-New Captain America
- 17. Will We Get A Supaidaman Series from Marvel? It's In Your Hands
- 18. Will We Get Back The Old Amanda Waller?
- 19. Greg Capullo's Concept Sketches For Batman: Endgame
- 20. Will White Fox Be One Of The All-New All-Different Avengers?
And Ten You May Prefer…
- 1. Mark Millar And Skottie Young's New Comic Together – Huck
- 2. A Bleeding Cool Endorsement From Tom Brevoort?
- 3. 45 Thoughts About 45 Of Today's Comics
- 4. The Woman Who Inspired Squirrel Girl
- 5. Comics Economics Of Star Wars #1 – The Day After
- 6. Gary Parkin, The Rob Granito Of eBay Sketch Covers?
- 7. Superman, Batman And Justice League In DC's FCBD Gold Title
- 8. Swipe File: Marvel's Run The Jewels And Fan Art
- 9. UK To See Fantastic Four Trailer In 13 Days
- 10. Star Wars #1 Second Print Sells Out Already

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