Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, jamie mckelvie, kieron gillen, loki, marvel, tom hiddlestone, young avengers
Where's Loki? (UPDATE)
This is the cover to issue 13 of Young Avengers, solicited for December.
And these are the covers to Young Avengers #14 and 15, solicited for ecember and January, the last two making up the multiple-artist story Phonogram-alike Young Avengers: Afterparty. Which is just the kind of thing to make people think that the title is cancelled. Especially when Kieron Gillen says things like;
We've done what we wanted to do. I think that's the best way of putting it. "Young Avengers" feels similar to Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker's "Immortal Iron Fist in that this is a 15-issue statement. It can be collected in three trades and maybe even one big omnibus. It will be a way we saw of doing super hero comics in 2013
Though emphasis on "we" and "2013" may indicate the book will live on, possibly with a new creative team, possibly a Marvel Now Two relaunch and… possibly in 2014.
But there's something else about the covers. The first has no Loki – unless he's the fellow being held by the scruff of his neck (UPDATE: Nope, that's Ultimate Nullifier). And the second pair don't seem to feature him at all, unless he's in disguise. (UPDATE: Yes, that's his logo on the club… it's Loki's club.) Though I understand the final two may not be complete and may have a further element added.
Because Thor: The Dark World is out soon. With its fully adult Loki. Who is now rather popular, possibly more popular than Thor himself. And now that we have an adult Loki back inside the Kid Loki body in the comics, as a result of some Heston Blumenthal-style raven molecular cookery, could we see a reversion of sorts in the comics as well? A Loki who looks a little more like, well, Tom Hiddleston?
Let's find out!