Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics, Superman | Tagged: bat-mite, dc comics, Mr. Mxyzptlk
5th Dimensional Imps In Three DC Comics Today (Spoilers)
I don't know, you wait for ages for a Fifth-Dimensional Imp in your DC comic book, and then three come along at once, all on the same day. Bloody typical. Well, that's DC Comics for the 15th of November, 2022.
The most prominent one today, in Nightwing #98, is Dyxl, modelled on Bat-Mite but a Nightwing version. A Night-Mite if you will, but he does go by another name.
Start practising how you might get him to say his name backwards… now. Lick-syid? Mickey Mxyzptlk is still causing trouble for the Dark Crisis of the Young Justice, and he is now saying the quiet bits out loud..
Mischievous or misogynist? You be the judge. But someone does give daddy a call over in another universe…
While DCeased: War Of The Undead Gods #4 brings the daddy of them all to its world. All Imps All The Time! Never knowingly under-imped! Whatever universe you find yourself, you'll find an imp along for the ride…
(W) Tom Taylor (A) Daniele Di Nicuolo (CA) Bruno Redondo
Nightwing meets Nite-Mite! (And Bitewing and Oracle and Daniele Di Nicuolo!) That's right, that meddling Nite-Mite booped himself from the fifth dimension, and after reading Seven Secrets, he hitchhiked his way over with Di Nicuolo into our Nightwing series! Trust us, you're not going to want to miss this one. Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/15/2022DARK CRISIS YOUNG JUSTICE #6 (OF 6) CVR A MAX DUNBAR
(W) Meghan Fitzmartin (A) Laura Braga (CA) Max Dunbar
Superboy, Robin, Impulse, Wonder Girl, Arrowette, and Red Tornado are all reunited, but is it too late for them to face down the unmitigated and unhinged power of Mickey Mxyzptlk? Young Justice will have to let their old wounds heal quickly if they're going to escape from Mickey's fake universe and rejoin the real DCU to help join the final battle of Dark Crisis! Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/15/2022DCEASED WAR OF THE UNDEAD GODS #4 (OF 8) CVR A HOWARD PORTER
(W) Tom Taylor (A) Trevor Hairsine (CA) Howard Porter
Nothing is what the heroes of Earth thought it was. The shocking truth is finally revealed and the fate of all of existence hangs in the balance. Lobo joins the fight, but will the main man help or hinder the greatest heroes in the universe as they gather to fight the galactic armada of the undead? Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 11/15/2022