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Alonso, Soule, Brisson and Rosenberg Talk the X-Men's Legacy
Written by John Odum.
Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso emceed the panel that gave attendees a guided tour of the X-Men's Legacy re-orientation. He was joined by several X-creators such as Ed Brisson (Cable, Old Man Logan), Matthew Rosenberg (Secret Warriors), and Charles Soule (Astonishing X-Men).
The head-scratcher from the panel may be the "will they" or "won't they" of a potential Storm solo series.
In response to an audience member asking about the possibility of a new Storm book, the panel exchanged a few glances and knowing "hrms" before Alonso offered a roundabout answer that ended with a definitive statement: "You will see it soon."
Sounds pretty clear, but under questioning after the panel, Alonso vacillated, suggesting that there a potential project with an unnamed creator had sputtered and stalled, leaving nothing in the pipeline.
If both statements are taken at face value, it likely means that editorial has decided on a Storm solo project… but, it's going to be a while. So… yay?
As for other breadcrumbs: there are no current plans to resurrect "old" Cyclops, Axel Alonso can't stand Cannonball, and don't expect Emma Frost to land back on the side of the angels anytime soon.
What was intriguing, however, was talk of an Iceman story arc whereby "old" Bobby's parents learn of his time-shifted younger self and become invested in the prospect of a parental do-over.
The bulk of the panel, though, was spent reviewing upcoming issues and story arcs that are either underway or have been previously publicized.
- Ed Brisson talked Cable and the "Newer Mutants" team; Blank, Longshot, Shatterstar, Doop, Armor, and X-23.
- An overview of Old Man Logan, including the wrapping up of the Maestro storyline and the coming "Scarlet Samurai" arc, whereby this "mysterious figure from Logan's past" plunges Logan into Japan where he encounters a new street drug that regenerates limbs (and that is connected to the Silver Samurai, among others).
- Deadpool vs Old Man Logan #1 is coming, written by Declan Shalvey writer with Mike Henderson art.
- Old man Hawkeye #1 from writer Ethan Sacks and art from Marco Checchetto. Sacks set the stage for the series at 5 years before the original Old Man Logan, teasing "its his last shot at vengeance, but that's all i can say about it without getting tazed."
- X-Men scribe Charles Soule spoke of the coming return of Professor X, who has been in astral combat with the Shadow King while the Red Skull was borrowing his brain, teasing a conclusion to that storyline replete with twists and turns; "[We'll] see a lot more from Charles Xavier, but in a way that puts him in a new place."
- In regards to the upcoming Phoenix: Resurrection, writer Matthew Rosenberg noted that "in a lot of ways, Jean is the heart of the X-Men… when she is there, there is hope… the X-Men for a while have been missing that, it's been dark times."
While he spoke, the screen showed no fewer that 10 Phoenix variant covers.
Later in the panel, he teased a possible new look for Phoenix, saying ""people are going to be surprised when they see her."
- Covers for (li'l) Jean Grey issues #8-10 were displayed while the audience was briefed on Jean's preparations for the inevitable arrival of the Phoenix – preparations that will send her into the mind of Emma Frost, where she will experience elements from Grant Morrison run (and yes, the series will ultimately interact with Phoenix: Resurrection, because duh).
- A Legion limited series was teased, with Legion being faced with a new nasty personality that seems to be eating up all the other personalities. Legion finds a brave psychotherapist and pulls her into his head to help unite the other personalities.
- The Rogue and Gambit mini-run from Kelly Thompson with Pere Perz art was warmly received by the crowd – with the suggestion that it may well be more than just a limited series when all is said and done. Speakers stopped just short of saying definitively that the two will be getting back together, but the air was thick with the implication (so there you go, romance fans).
- X-Men: Grand Design writer and artist Ed Piskor spoke of his uniquely ambitious project that "take(s) everything that i know about X-Men… the 1st 280 issues… [ to] basically see how I can make a graphic novel out of that." Sharing that he had consulted with Chris Claremont on the project, Piskor's creative enthusiasm was undeniably infectious.