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Avengers #33 Review: The Fist Of Khonshu Leaves Us Skeptical
Have you ever been watching one of those legal shows, and the unlikely, possibly disheveled defense attorney starts their closing argument, and it's wildly implausible, but somehow it starts working? The individual elements of their case might be anywhere between odd all the way to wildly stupid, but the attorney's charm and the meaningful pauses and the oratory … they start to kind of click. If you took a long look at any of it, the whole thing falls apart like a presidential press briefing, but for one shining moment, from a certain point of view, it looks like it might be a thing.
This issue is a lot like that (and it's not a spoiler since it's on the cover) as Moon Knight takes on the Avengers. That's not a typo, that's not an error that will need correcting later on. Marc Spector, a man with no known tactically effective superpowers according to most of the internet, goes after … Iron Fist … Doctor Strange … the Black Panther and, yes … Thor.
Wait, no … yes, it's preposterous, but please stop laughing for a moment. Really, stop, hang on, let's just get through this. With the power of the moon god Khonshu now fully at his command … stop laughing this is serious! Anyhoo, Khonshu has now empowered the Moon Knight, and he's on a rampage, and somehow that's not completely stupid, just somewhat stupid.
Jason Aaron writes this 100% straight, with no sense of irony or winking at you, and if he had introduced Khonshu himself, it might have even flown. From an execution standpoint, there are no defects in the script. Likewise, the visual storytelling from Javier Garron, Jason Keith, and Cory Petit all turned in a visual performance that hit all the right spots ("THE FIST OF KHONSHU" sequence, in particular).
But Moon Knight? Insert Skeptical Thor gif on that one. Come on now. RATING: HONORABLE MENTION.
Avengers #33
MOON KNIGHT VS. THE AVENGERS Mummies are rising from their graves. Secret armies march by moonlight, from K'un-Lun to Wakanda to Greenwich Village. A dark god invades Asgard. And the Moon Knight has been unleashed as never before. So begins the Age of Khonshu. So fall the Avengers.