Posted in: Comics | Tagged: avengers arena, death, marvel
Avengers Arena Spoilers, A Major Character Death, And The Explosion Of Tumblr
So far, Avengers Arena has basically been killing off characters that they invented for the series, or characters that appeared in one or two panels in other books. Okay, there was Mettle as well. But this time, the book may have gone too far by knocking off a major character. Well, major-ish. Well, major to some. Major to anyone who read Runaways. Take a look…
And that is the end of Nico Minoru, Sister Grimm, of Runaways. No fridging here though… not in the usual fashion at least. Though there will no doubt be emotional impact for the individual influenced to do the killing… but how did Tumblr react?
How do you think?
Don't believe that Dennis Hopeless is running on a bias?
Then how come Katy let X-23 live? She had her unconscious and she just threw her back to her team.
So let me wrap my head around this. The girl caught the unconscious healing assassin, but she let's her live? Someone who's in it for the win, and she just chucks the deadliest threat to her back to the other kids to heal?
It's painfully obvious that Hopeless cares more about some characters than others, and he's making plotholes so that he can kill who he wants.
Seriously, people who defend this book, you're really losing your ground. It's awful.
Avengers Arena: Because the Marvel-verse Didn't Quite Suck Enough for Teen Heroes
Runaways was pretty much my entrance to comics, the very first series I loved and bought the hardcover collections of. Nico was my favorite character. Fuck you, Marvel. If DC wasn't a heaping pile of shit right now, I'd probably quit reading everything you publish.
Nico's got a lot of loved ones who probably didn't head upwards after they died.
I'd say I'm surprised that they actually killed her, but I really think that every character there is D-list enough to be on the chopping block. Not that that'll stop any writer from reviving them if the writer wants to use them enough. Man, this event has me cynical on comic book death.
…more than usual, any way.
You know how much willpower she has?
After everything that happened she still tried to fight, to get to the Staff of One. Let's not forget her past with her parents and the one shot of her torture too, but in this comic serie she made from a poisonous bush a fruit bearing tree, one of the only sources of food and saw it get teared down in attempt to make an ally in Murderworld. She tried many different spells to get out of Murderworld and all failed and she can only use them once. After that all she still chose to fight and dragged herself to the Staff of One while she could just simply gave up, but she didn't. Nico is a hero.
And I'm going to pretend this happened in an alternative world, like so many comics. Because she can't just die like this. Not when the Runaways are on Hiatus and there can be a possible movie. And she is awesome.
"People always say teenagers think they're immortal, but I… I don't think that. I mean all I ever think about is death."
↳ Nico Minoru's First & Last Appearances
I'm an avivd comic book reader. I've been reading them since I was 16 roughly. Every once and a while there will be one that will stir emotions within me. Usually it's happiness and joy but once and a while sadness. There are only a few times when I've cried while reading a comic. I cried when Illyana Rasputin died in Uncanny X-Men #303, I cried when Shadowcat sacrificed herself in Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 and I gasped in horror and sooked when Gert died in Runaways vol. 2 #18.
But right now I'm really angry. Nico is dead as of Avengers Arena #10 and every time I think about I just get really mad and I don't want anymore of the Runaways to die! NONE! I want them all back together and not dying and not split up in other books and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow fuck Avengers Arena I won't read this shit anymore.
#Avengers Arena #okay kill the asian woman that's totally fine…
Don't normally do two of these, but I wanted to address the fact that she was killed by Chase. Indirectly, yeah, but still.
I did not, until just now, really look at the last pages preceding Nico's death.
She sees Chase show up. She is relieved. She goes to apologize, and has her arm blown off, the staff (which should not break) broken, and is then dropkicked off a cliff.
By her best friend.
Hopeless didn't just kill Nico.
He used Chase to do it.
If I sounded angry over the last few days, that was nothing compared to how I feel right now.
And marvel really did it…
All I have to say i fuck you Dennis Hopeless.
Nico Minoru was a strong female poc leader. You have depowered her through out the series and had her killed off by one of her best friends being mind controlled. Who will probably after gaining his mind back will probably try to seek "vengeance" in the ultimate example of fridging possible. But it's all okay because it's a" great story" with " amazing art." lets just ignore the fact that Nico was great role model for girls, how her staff of one was basically reduced to a stick in this series whe it's supposed to be an extremely powerful magical weapon. Meanwhile you upgrade the strength of her white male friend by giving him an extremely powerful alien weapon. Sure because we don't already have enough of thosse. Her death was really cheap and only served your fucking plot. You know what Dennis you really are fucking Hopeless…
Marvel Is Dead To Me
Forever. I will never again buy anything Marvel related, give it the time of day, will never waste any sort of shit on it ever again. The way Marvel treats the fans of their characters is gross and disgusting, and I am sick and tired of them pissing in the face of the fans of niche characters with bullcrap like Avengers Arena.
As far as I'm concerned, the canon Runaways story ended after the series ended. This shit right now is nothing but disgusting fan fic by a sadistic, disturbed asshole.
Fuck you Marvel.
Fuck you Hopeless.
Fuck off.
UPDATE: Charming. Of course, there's always this to consider…
@bleedingcool You do realize that she grabs the staff of one and casts Help?
— Michael Lehrman (@AngelArm77) June 6, 2013