Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, burbank, Comics, dc, entertainment, Mark Doyle, new york
Batman Editor Mark Doyle Is Going With DC Comics To Burbank After All
Photo by Fiona Wilson for Comics Anonymous.
Earlier this year, when DC Comics announced the publisher was moving from New York to Burbank, DC Vertigo editor Mark Doyle told his bosses that he was not going to move with them. A New York native, his family are based in the state, and moving them was just not an option.
He was then made Group Editor of the Batman books. Ostensibly to keep Scott Snyder happy, as Doyle was Snyder's editor on American Vampire. But Doyle took that position and began transforming the Batbooks. The relaunched Batgirl, the rise of Harley Quinn, the launch of Gotham Academy, Arkham Manor and Gotham By Midnight all happened on his watch, as well as the inter-continuity easter eggs swapping from book to book.
Some have compared it to what Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti did with Marvel Knights, reviving and refreshing all manner of Marvel titles – which also happened under Bob Harras.
Of course, Joe then took over Bob's job. Hmmm.
I mention all this because, direct from DC Comics' editorial department, I've received assurances of previous rumours I'd been hearing recently, that Mark Doyle has reversed his decision and is moving with DC to Burbank in the spring.
Doyle's place in Bleeding Cool Magazines' Top 100 Power List mentioned hat a certain degree of his power at DC revolved about what he could demand from DC if he were to make the move. Well, it seems that DC Comics have met his demands. Pay rise? Promotion? Green lighting certain projects? Maybe he asked that the D in DC now official stand for Doyle? I understand his wife, who works for Marvel Comics was offered a DC job, but she declined.
Well, the deal has been done. Doyle is relocating to the opposite coast. And then we get to see what he really has in mind for DC Comics.