Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comcis, comics pro, comicspro, cyborg, dan didio, dc, dc comics, dcretailer, jim lee, juneminirelaunch, marie javins, prez, superman
"The Best Stories Become Canon" – Dan DiDio And Jim Lee At ComicsPRO
DC senior staffers Bob Wayne, Jim Lee and Dan DiDio made a presentation to comic store retailers today, at ComicsPRO in Portland. As ever, Bleeding Cool has folks on the ground to cover the conversations being had.
They talked about how Convergence celebrates DC's eighty year history, and how the entire event was entirely edited by Marie Javins. You may remember we mentioned that a while back.
They talked about how Convergence takes place in 52 domed cities. How they are not retro comics, but comics that at times offer better closure to story lines that had to be truncated. They confirmed earlier reports that 43 stories of eight pages each will introduce the post-Convergence titles to readers.
Dan DiDio talked about how, after seeing at conventions how the audience was changing,"this is a true diversification of the DC line". They're not looking for every person to buy every book, but looking for the most people to buy the most books that would appeal to each individual.
Jim Lee talked about how the books will have different tonalities, with a greater representation for women and racial diversity, saying "you can't publish the same tonality across 52 titles" though he didn't add "anymore" at the end. Lee sees June is as seismic a change for DC as when the New 52 was introduced. And how rules in continuity will be softened. Though he emphasised that this is not a new thing – when Hawkman no longer worked, Tim Truman's Hawkman was introduced. And he emphasised that the best stories become canon.
DiDio commented on the camaraderie and respect and support he witnessed at the creator summit between the assembled creators. They are excited to bring the best stories and try daring new things.
Talking specifically about titles, Superman will be an immigrant's story, Cyborg was a book mentioned as one to watch, and they commit to at least twelve issues of all titles starting in June, including the slightly shakier Prez that some retailers were less than kind about.
DiDio said that Prez reminds him of a title from his early days at DC, Kyle Baker's Plastic Man. Which may not have lasted long but was a real creative high point.
I know I'll be buying it…
Follow more of our ComicsPRO Portland 2015 coverage here.