Where did Plastic Man's super stretching powers go? Justice League Unlimited #3 has the Spoilers...
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: black panther, black widow, civil war, dc, entertainment, rebirth, second printing, Third Printing
Black Panther And Black Widow Get Third Printings, DC Rebirth And Civil War Get Seconds
Another week of DC Rebirth launches and another round of instant DC Comics sellouts.
Which is why Batman #1, Green Arrow #1, Green Lanterns #1, Superman #1 And Titans Rebirth #1 are all going to second print, with recoloured Rebirth banners, and all on sale on July 13th.
Civil War II #2, also out today, is getting a second print, as is Star Wars: Poe Dameron #3, on sale on July 20th.
As is Black Widow #1, getting a third print, while #2 and #3 get second prints.
As is Black Panther #1, also getting a third printing….
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