Posted in: Comics | Tagged: amazing spider-man, Batman, bestseller, bleedingcool, civil war, Comics, dc, entertainment, marvel, may day, spider-verse
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 26th October 2014 – May Day Takes Amazing Spider-Man To The Top
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the Wednesday Warriors, those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
It's often a top-ten placer, but rarely hits the very top. Spider-Verse and the return of May Day Parker has changed that, as Amazing Spider-Man rockets past sales of Batman Eternal, Axis, Walking Dead and the relaunch of Deathstroke to take the top spot this week.
- Amazing Spider-Man #8
- Walking Dead #133
- Batman Eternal #29
- Axis #3
- Harley Quinn #11
- Deathstroke #1
- Multiversity: The Just #1
- Avengers #37
- Arkham Manor #1
- Superman #36
Thanks to the following retailers,
- G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, Illinois
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New Hampshire
- Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia
- Graham Crackers Comics of Illinois – Plainfield, Naperville, Downers Grove, St. Charles, Wheaton, DeKalb + Chicago LOOP/Edgewater/Lakeview
- Jesse James Comics of Phoenix, Arizona
Who had this to say,
Superman may have charted had I received them before Thursday. Axis still selling, but people are expressing concern about the direction. Not the typical event excitement. Deathstroke and Arkham Manor were nice surprises. I wasn't sure what to make of them. Lots of excitement over the Avengers trailer. Lots of confusion about all of the Marvel Summer 2015 announcements. No one seems excited to see all of the events done again.
Awesome week in new comics! Axis beat out Walking Dead for the top spot in our shop. Lots of people jumping on board for Marvel's latest crossover event. Even the Hobgoblin Axis book sold great. Mark Millar & Goran Parlovs Starlight ended this week with a double sized issue and we sold a TON. So many people have come back in to talk about that finale.
Have had a ton of people coming in looking for Death of Wolverine issues. Lots of people who hadn't been into comics in years and have finally heard about it. Can't go wrong with any story that brings people back to a shop after not being into comics for an extended time!
Deathstroke was a huge success. Tony Daniel brought out his "A" game with the art and people responded. Hopefully DC Comics does not do something stupid like give the book to another creative team in a couple issues. Image Comics are still the strong back bone with consistent sellers like Sheltered and Lazarus.
Back-issue movers for the week were Civil War and drum roll please….Edge of Spider-Verse #2,which should be at a $50-$75 price point by Christmas.
Very tight week. Walking Dead takes the #1 spot. However, Axis and Multiversity take huge drops this week. Over 25% of our box holders dropped both titles. We are hoping that Wolverine,Batman and Harley Next week can pick up for the loss in those title sales. We have seen a Huge surge in trades and a bigger search for back issues.
Pretty good sales this week. Multiversity is still a big seller but Amazing Spider-Man tops our list this week. Axis is still strong despite mostly complaints about it. Batman Eteral is doing the best of all DC's weekly titles, though Futures End and Worlds End are both still top ten books.
Superman is doing better than ever. Deathstroke #1 didn't quite meet sales expectations but still sold fairly well.
Walking Dead and Buffy were our non-Big Two sellers of the week with Wicked + Divine almost making the top ten.
A little slower than usual this week. The Axis limited series is underselling. People are event fatigued. Along with the fact that the average customer was not happy with the last few events people are skipping over this one. Nothing to exciting to report this week.