Posted in: Comics | Tagged: chuck dixon, rush limbaugh
Comics Folk React To… The Death Of Rush Limbaugh
Yesterday saw the death of longtime political commentator Rush Limbaugh. Comic book creators, amongst many other folk, took to social media to share their opinions of the man, on the day that he died. Here is a smattering of the opinion shared.
Bill Sienkiewicz:
Fwiw, and to those who actually notice such things- it's no secret I'm behind on memorial portraits for people who I feel legitimately warrant them- as subjective as that may sound. I'm doing them , even months later, (i.e., all the time it seems) Were I actually getting paid to do them (I'm not) this quest would be the definition of job security. So as admittedly partisan as it sounds, it's a relief when nature provides an opportunity for me to sit one out. Specifically here-as of this AM–: Rush Limbaugh. Not going to lie, It's tempting af to do a memorial caricature, not a portrait at all; to be cynical and vindictive as an artist- to go for jugular, editorially speaking. you know: to do one of my actual self-appointed JOBS I cherish as an illustrator/artist/critic/observer/human. I suppose doing so would make me a glaring example of leftist intolerance by those who love him. They'd have a decent argument, but idgaf. So, nah. Because- at least in this case- I could never ever do justice to just how truly awful he was.
Chuck Dixon: RIP Rush Limbaugh. Schadenfreuders WILL be unfriended. Celebrating ANYONE'S passing is petty and evil.
Justin Jordan: Twenty five ish years ago, I had a job working in a sawmill. There were only three or four of us working. At lunch and on breaks the boss would have Rush Limbaugh playing. Which was…interesting. Twenty five years ago I was pretty libertarianish (a side effect of being eighteen or so) and even then, I though Rush Limbaugh was a jack ass. But he was an insidious one. In those days (and possibly since, but I've never bothered to listen) he'd do this thing where he'd start out on a topic, and for a bit it'd be reasonable and easy to agree with. And then he'd run headlong into sociopathic bullsh-t. Which is STILL a model used by the right wing, and is part of the reason the Youtube algorithm glide path is hard to fight against. He made the world worse, substantially, by his presence in it.
Peter David: Rush Limbaugh dies the same day that Trump Plaza is imploded. Certainly symbolic of something.
Dave Olbrich: R.I.H. Rush Limbaugh
Vito Delsante: Rush Limbaugh died. I take no pleasure in the death of my enemies, but he spread so much hate, vitriol and racism. He will not be missed.
Donna Barr: This POS hurt us all.
Jonathan Vankin: As the United States surpasses the staggering 500,000 death mark (per Worldometer), we should ask ourselves how many of these deaths are the direct result of Rush Limbaugh repeatedly and forcefully assuring his listeners that COVID-19 was no worse than a "common cold."
Brandon Bitros: My favorite Rush Limbaugh story is when he was at William Shatner's Super Bowl party and Henry Rollins snubbed his handshake and left early because f-ck that guy