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Comics for Your Pull Box: Week of February 14th, 2018
Another thing we here at Bleeding Cool are trying to start doing is giving you a heads up of what comics are coming out this week and which ones to look for at your local comic shop. These will likely go up on Sundays or Mondays from here on out. Without further ado, what should you look for this Wednesday?
Falcon #5
Yeah, this is a shamelessly biased plug. Falcon, despite how weird it is that Blackheart was at the center of a story about racial tensions and gang violence, has been frequently pleasing and one of my most anticipated comics for each month. With smart writing by Rodney Barnes, fantastic leads in the Falcon and the Patriot, and gorgeous artwork by Joshua Cassara and Rachelle Rosenberg, Falcon deserves to be on your pull list. This issue will be bringing Sam Wilson to a final showdown with Blackheart for the fate of Chicago.
Shade the Changing Girl/Wonder Woman Special #1
JLA/ Doom Patrol #1 was a pretty awful read, but Mother Panic/Batman #1 was great. "Milk Wars" has been pleased with itself in how quirky and weird it is, but I am curious to see where this is going. Hopefully this comic give it a good continuation worthy of its lead characters. If nothing else, it will probably be worth talking about.
Babyteeth #8
Donny Cates and Garry Brown have put together a darkly glorious series with Babyteeth. Centering around a family torn apart by occult forces beyond imagining and world-shaking consequences therein, Babyteeth quickly became one of my personally most anticipated releases after I tried it out last month. Cates' writing ranges from subtly unnerving to outright horrifying, and Brown's artwork brings a palpable grittiness to the world. Check this series out.
Cold War #1
While I had mixed feelings about the first outing of Chris Sebela and Hayden Sherman's new AfterShock series, it was still interesting enough and has plenty of promise. This future-set sci-fi war tale delivers a lot of grit, violence, and mystery surrounding its universe and is certainly worth keeping an eye on.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #38
Robert Venditti has gotten a brilliant grip on Hal Jordan as well as John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner. This is easily one of the most fun comics DC is putting out at the moment, and the addition of artists like Rafa Sandoval and Jack Herbert has also made this one of the best-looking comics on the market. The current arc is telling of the clash between the General Zod family and the Green Lantern Corps, so it's setting up for an epic smackdown between the wielders of the mightiest weapon in the universe and the most powerful mortal race in the universe.
Xena #1
Dynamite Entertainment is bringing back the Warrior Princess herself, Xena with the creative team of Meredith Finch, David Finch, and Vincente Cifuentes. Xena is searching for a path to redemption from her past with a five-issue miniseries starting this Wednesday.
Invincible #144
Invincible is coming to an end. The long-running and much-beloved Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, and Cory Walker superhero comic is bringing it all to a conclusion. It claims that every single issue has led to this ending. You can find out for sure this Wednesday.
Bingo Love
Bingo Love, which was initially on Kickstarter, is getting wide publication by Image Comics. Tee Franklin, Jen St-Onge and Joy San with the cover by Genevieve FT is the team responsible for this graphic novel love story that travels across time and tribulation to bring these two women together. My former fellow reviewer Joe Glass reviewed this one and adored it. I trust his judgement, and you should too. Check this one out.
Kick-Ass #1
Kick-Ass returns with the creative team of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. This time, there's a new Kick-Ass in town, and it's not Dave Lizewski. It's up in the air if this new one can cover for the old Kick-Ass, and we're all going to find out together.
Christos Gage's new Ninja-K series has a had a phenomenal start, and it promises to have a good continuation as our titular Ninja-K continues to unearth more secrets about his employers at MI6. Plus, artists Juan Jose Ryp and Ariel Olivetti bring the visuals this time around, and #4 promises to be another good one.
* * * * *
That's all for now. We'll see how good these comics turn out, and I imagine that I'll be reviewing more than one. See you then!