The Detective Comics #1027 sh0rt story written and drawn by Dan Jurgens saw Batman's history and continuity changing from something seen as close to the current model to something closer to the proposed new DC Timeline model. Or maybe just the very original DC timeline from 1939, with Batman beginning his career, as World War II was being declared in 1939. This Batman is approached by a teched-up Kamandi from the far, far future, wing led by Booster Gold, with the word that this would continue in one thing called Future State.
Well, it looks like we'll only have to wait till January. To what extent this will or will not use any material initially prepared for the original Generations oneshots, or 5G, or whether it will be brand new originated artwork, I have no idea. Because Dan Jurgens did want to make it clear that the Detective Comics #1027 story was a brand new creation. He tweeted out;
Contrary to the errant claim of a disreputable website, my story in Detective Comics 1027 was not produced for any other title. Conceived, written and drawn for that issue only. Accuracy is hard, I know.
Fair enough, Dan. Must have been Newsarama, they're always doing stuff like that. Anyway, the Future State promo piece appears in the new digital issue of DC Connect, which can be read here.
DC Connect #5 cover.
This December, the long-awaited tale of Batman/Catwoman begins at last, and the Dark Knight rules the shadows in the all-new Batman Black and White miniseries! Plus, Dark Nights: Death Metal reaches its stunning finale while pointing the way to the future of the DC Universe, and Jinny Hex makes her solo debut—yee-ha! And Endless Winter spreads across the DCU in a nine-issue crossover event. Plus, the summer blockbuster "The Joker War" is collected in the new Batman Vol. 2 hardcover
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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