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DC Rebirth – More Details From The NYCC Panel
By Jason Borelli
DC Comics held their panel on Saturday morning under the "Rebirth" banner. While details of a few books were revealed, there were no earth-shaking announcements. The panel also fill the hour slot, which resulted in no questions from the audience.
The assembled creators were Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner (writers of Harley Quinn), Robert Venditti (writer, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps), Josh Williamson (writer, The Flash), Juan Ferreyra (artist, Green Arrow), Ben Percy (writer, Green Arrow and Teen Titans), and Christopher Priest (writer, Deathstroke).
Palmiotti and Conner noted that "Rebirth" hasn't changed the status quo, and that the latest first issue is their 31rd. Issue #5 has Harley going undercover in Brooklyn's punk scene. She will be sporting a Mohawk haircut, which Palmiotti figures will "keep cosplayers on their toes." It turns out that Harley will be leading a band, but she is not good at it. Issue #6 will have Jill Thompson drawing a four-page flashback to Harley's first meeting with the Joker.
New York Comic Con is the first time that Percy and Ferreya have met. Percy talked about bringing back classic elements of the Green Arrow mythos: the goatee, Black Canary and leftist politics. He discussed how Green Arrow and Black Canary are an odd couple that is "magnetized." The current arc is a set piece taking place in an undersea railroad envisioned by Robert Queen. Ferreyra revealed that the boxing glove would make a comeback, but "not in the way you'd expect." There will be a six-issue arch entitled "Emerald Outlaw," which was described as "The Wire in Seattle."
According to Percy, "the first arc really belongs to Damien Wayne, that little tyrant." The newly-formed team will face off against a group of assassins formed by Ra's Al Guhl, known as The Demon's Fist. Percy went on to state that this will be an ensemble book, with Damien struggling as leader. Percy also said that Starfire "hasn't Ben given her shot," which Palmiotti took mild exception to. There is also a secret sixth member, but that person's identity was not revealed.
Rucka received applause for his current run. He came back because of Diana, and she is on top of the list of characters he wants to write, which includes Kat Kane and Renee Montoya. The title is running two stories written by Rucka, with Liam Sharpe handling "The Lies" in odd-numbered issues, while Nicola Scott covers the "Year One" story in the evens. He described Barbara Ann Minerva as "Indiana Jones meets Lara Croft," and that Cheetah is Two-Face to Wonder Woman's Batman, n terms of getting a "raw deal." Scott will end her tenure at issue #14, and she will be replaced by Bilquis Evely, who will handle the art on #9. Rucka marveled over a double-page spread from Sharpe of a mall, where Diana and Etta Candy are taking Barbara Ann clothes-shopping. While Rucka writes "full script" for Scott, Sharpe works "Marvel style."
Vendetti expressed his desire to show "the wider DC cosmic tapestry," beyond the various corps. One quirk of covers of alternating issues getting solicitated is that covers for two future issues are interlocked, centered by a Hal/Sinestro fight. While the first arc focuses on Hal and a Guy Gardner, the follow-up is considered a John Stewart story, as the Green Lanterns get caught in "the universe's greatest trap." Venditti teased a fight between Guy and Arkillo, as they discard their power rings. The eighth issue will have Ethan Van Scriver handling he art, and will feature Starro, Zudar, Katma Tui and Rot Lop Fan.
Williamson talked about "harassing" Dab DiDio to wrote the title for months. He asked what was missing from the book, and concluded that Barry Allen wasn't a teacher. Williamson added that he is a pessimist, while Barry is an "eternal optimist." He described the speedster adversary Godspeed as the "Reverse Barry Allen," challenging Barry's ideas of justice. The cover of issue #9 was revealed to be a homage of Flash #123, with the two Wally Wests in place of Barry and Jay Garrick. The next arc is titled "Rogues Reloaded," where Flash's pains com back as villains, unwilling to help him.
Priest restated that the question he asked when the book was pitched to him was "Is he black?" He stated that he wants Slade Wilson to be a villain and "complete bastard," adding, "I'm just getting warmed up." Priest added that his Deathstroke isn't as "chatty" as in the past, save for with Wintergreen, and that any extended talks with others would lead to their fall.