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Donald Glover Attached To Lil' Depressed Boy

Donald Glover Attached To Lil' Depressed BoyRyan King reports from Image Comics Expo for Bleeding Cool;

If you love NBC's geeky homage comedy series Community, chances are you carry around a brown paper bag to your lips like a rosary, hyperventilating and infinitely thinking, Please, don't get cancelled. Please, don't get cancelled. Please, don't get cancelled…

Not to worry Community fans. Even if the show gets tanked, Community's own Donald Glover intends to remain geeky for a little while longer.

According to S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace, the writer and artist behind The Lil' Depressed Boy, we will be seeing a lil' more of Glover's rap alter-ego Childish Gambino between the panels of Struble and Grace's comic very soon.

I had the wonderful chance to speak with the writer and artist of The Lil' Depressed Boy, at this weekend's Image Expo in Oakland, CA. Here's what the guys had to say:

Ryan King: I'm here with S. Steven. Struble and Sina Grace. You guys write and create The Lil' Depressed Boy. Would you care to explain a little about the comic book and how you guys came up with this?

S. Steven Struble: Lil' Depressed Boy is a story about an anthropomorphic sack doll who has decided to better his life by getting out of his house and doing something with his life.

Sina Grace: I just call him a rag doll boy.

Donald Glover Attached To Lil' Depressed BoySSS: We say something different every time.

Ryan King: How did you come up with the idea?

SSS: Well as a kid, my brother used to taunt me with the name as a nickname because I was a mopey child. He'd be like, 'Aww, it's the Little Depressed Boy!' Eventually I ended up drawing a character and giving him that name to take the power out of the name and ended up drawing him for years until it became something.

Ryan King: You guys are here at Image Expo for the first time ever, along with everyone else. How does it feel to be attached with Image and be around all these great creators?

SSS: Well, when I was a kid I used to draw covers to my own comics and I would always put the image logo in the corner so that really, really works for me. A dream come true.

SG: Yeah, it kind of feels like, 'Oh! I have a home.'

RK: What is your creative process like working back and forth between each other? Do you just hand Grace the script and that's pretty much the end of the process or do you have a lot of ideas going back and forth between one another?

SSS: We tend to pull ideas and see little tweaks once in a while and I don't yell at [Grace] every time.

Donald Glover Attached To Lil' Depressed BoySG: There is some instant messaging that goes back and forth. We have an editor that [Struble] kind of talks to more than I do.

SSS: Yeah, I spitball with the editor.

SG: Yeah, I text message layouts and [Struble] says it looks good and then I draw it and [Struble] says, 'Where did that come from?'

SSS: 'Wait! Oh, I didn't look when I said that looks good.'

RK: So do you guys have anything else coming out in the near future or is all your main focus set on The Lil' Depressed Boy.

SSS: Well, Sina is working on a little book called Not My Bag.

SG: Yeah, that will be out sometime in the future—

Todd Martinez (sales and licensing coordinator): [Interrupting] Yeah, I've heard that story before.

SG: That was Image Comics… Right not we're working on a pretty big story arc. If anyone goes to Donald Glover's tumbler they'll see that he has something to do with Lil' Depressed Boy but we're not quite sure ready to say what.

SSS: We're not sure what's going on… [Sarcastacly]

RK: Just to clarify, Donald Glover from Community?

SG: Yeah, and just to clarify, Childish Gambino? Question mark?

Donald Glover Attached To Lil' Depressed BoySSS: Yeah, his rap alter-ego Childish Gambino.

SG: Yeah, keep your eyes open for that people but we can't say anything yet. But that's our big focus right now.

SSS: Yes, we don't know anything about this thing we're just talking about.

RK: Right on, that's very exciting! I'm sure many fans of Community and Donald Glover will be very happy to hear about that. Do you guys care to mention anything else before I walk around the Expo and continue on hither?

SG: Just please keep supporting independent comic books. If you haven't read The Lil' Depressed Boy I promise you'll like it and if you don't, we'll have something to talk about with me.

SSS: Yeah, what he said.

 Ryan King is the current editor-in-chief of Go Suck A Comic (, where he can be contacted on all matters of insanity in sub-culture. One day, he intends to do his damnedest at writing the first official  Big Trouble in Little China comic series.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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