Posted in: Comics, Review, Valiant | Tagged: David Baron, eternity, matt kindt, Ryan Winn, sci-fi, Trevor Hairsine, valiant entertainment
Eternity #4 Review: Emotionally Resonant, Lacking in Ideas
We are taken back to the death of the Observer before witnessing the origins of the child Abram and Myshka. We then return to Abram and Myshka before Abram is readying to wipe out everyone between he and his child. This is interrupted by Myshka, and then David Camp arrives, readying to take their child for himself.
Eternity #4 wraps up the miniseries, and, while it is certainly ambitious and full of unique ideas, the ending is a bit of a mixed bag. There are elements that certainly work, but the—moral, for lack of a better world—isn't as awe-inspiring as the comic wants to believe.
The emotional connections and strain between Abram, Myshka, and their child works pretty damn well. Abram and Myshka are forced to accept some shattering realities about their child and have to make a choice that no loving parent would ever be prepared to make. Abram and Myshka's relationship with one another is tested too, and that is some compelling reading.
By contrast, it's "moral" doesn't merit that much ponderance. It's somewhat uplifting, which it does get some credit for, and it is relevant to the emotional narrative between Abram and Myshka. However, it's somewhat simplistic and feels ill-fit for the vastly complicated high science fiction story that is Eternity. Also, it's accompanied by a moment that attempts to get meta but doesn't really work.
From many of my reviews, you'd think I'm entirely against a comic attempting to construct a metanarrative. That's not the case; it's just that many recent examples of this just haven't jived with the story. Unfortunately, Eternity's "meta" moment is lackluster too.
Trevor Hairsine's artwork is very impressive though, and it copes with the big-idea existentialism very well. It can also capture the emotion and significance of the little moments too, and it fits the comic near-perfectly. Ryan Winn's inking brings Hairisne's work together, and David Baron's color art is dazzling and bright. Make no mistake; Eternity is a gorgeous comic.
Eternity is an ambitious undertaking, and, while it has flaws, the final issue does bring it to a somewhat satisfying conclusion. The character and emotional elements gel very well, even when some of its ideas are upbeat but lacking. That being said, I can still recommend this comic. Feel free to check it out.