Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, batman 100, guillem march, halo, james tynion iv, Lucius Fox, wildcats, wildstorm
Lucius Fox Behind More Wildstorm At DC Comics? (Batman #101 Spoilers)
A month ago, Bleeding Cool told you what we thought was going down with Wildstorm and DC Comics. Looks like we were right on the money. We stated;
DC Comics solicitations have highlighted the appearance of WildStorm's Grifter in Batman #101, the comic continuing directly after The Joker War, a character created by DC publisher and CCO Jim Lee. But it's not alone. During his DC Fandome addresses, Jim Lee stated that WildStorm characters would be returning to the DC Universe in 2021.
And we looked at Batman #101, published today by DC Comics, featuring that Grifter appearance. Working for Lucius Fox, who has just informed Batman of his "Defund Batman" approach going forward. Nuit if not Batman., what is Lucius spending his billions on? And how will Timothy Fox be involved? Well, Batman #101 gives us a clue…
Because while Grifter does indeed appear in Batman #101, acting as a bodyguard to the newly-multi-billionaire Lucious Fox, Batman knows him of old. And throws out a mention of the HALO Corporation at Grifter.
In the WildStorm comic books, the Halo Corporation was founded by Jacob Marlowe and used to finance the WildCATS team. With the help of Void, Marlowe created the company and made himself a multi-billionaire, to find, train and fund his fellow Kherabim descendants in battle with the Daemonites.
Could this be a way to bring WildCATS and the rest of WildStorm back? And what role will Lucius Fox play in that?
And that scene does indeed play out.
Is Lucius Fox to be the new Jacob Marlowe of the DC Universe? Will he be creating a new WildCATS?
(W) James Tynion IV (A/CA) Guillem March
A new day dawns in Gotham and the horrors of "The Joker War" are just being realized. A bold new direction for Batman begins as Bruce Wayne's circumstances are forever changed. How did the Joker's rampage affected the citizens of the city? And why does Cole Cash-a.k.a.-Grifter, now work for Lucius Fox? !In Shops: Oct 20, 2020 SRP: $3.99
I bought my DC Comics this week from Piranha Comics in Kingston-Upon-Thames. Piranha Comics is a small south London comic store chain with a small south-east store in Kingston-Upon Thames's market centre, which runs Magic The Gathering nights on Fridays, and a larger south-west store in Bromley, which also runs Magic nights and has an extensive back issue collection and online store. If you are in the neighbourhood, check them out.