Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: dc comics, John Paul Leon, marvel, milestone, static, static shock
Marvel And DC Comics Run Tributes To The Late John Paul Leon
Comic book creator John Paul Leon passed away six weeks ago. A tribute to the man was published in Marvel Comics titles last week. One appears in DC Comics titles this week. They both run below.
Joe Quesada wrote "J.P. Leon was a unique talent, admired and envied by all for his ability to convey the complexities of the world with a distilled simplicity of line and mastery of the craft that few can ever hope to attain. He's passed much too soon, leaving us to wonder what heights he would have achieved, but thankful for the work he's left behind that will inspire generations to come. Our hearts at Marvel go out to his family, loved ones, friends, and fans. Godspeed, Joe Quesada."
Jim Lee writes "One of the greatest artists of our generation, he was also one of the nicest and most talented creators one could be lucky enough to have met." Denys Cowan writes "I met John Paul Leon when our Milestone partner Michael Davis introduced us—JPL, as we quickly took to calling him, was a student in Michael's illustration class. JPL was a nice, almost shy, soft-spoken man, so he barely made eye contact with me as I looked at his sample pages. I remember them being a Superman story—which may have been an actual assignment. To say we were all blown away by his talent even then would be an understatement. His work showed a depth and maturity and understanding of comics that far surpassed so many other artists of his age…really of any age… he was that good. We hired him to do Static on the spot. One of the best decisions we ever made. He gave me some credit early on for one thing or another to do with his career; it was generous of him. The truth is I was just smart enough to know that I was in the presence of genius, and all I had to do was get out of the way. John Paul Leon was a very good man and a great artist. His loss will continue to be felt throughout the world of comics." And Chris Conroy wrote "Tragically, with John Paul's passing, we have lost both the writers of 1993's Static #1—Dwayne McDuffie and Robert L Washington III—and its artist, all far too young. We mourn the loss of these amazing talents who changed comics forever. This issue is dedicated to their memories, with immense gratitude and love."