Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Aaron Kemp, Adam Del Re, alanna smith, Alex Small, Alexander Sprague, Alexandra Pitchford, Ann Forbeck, Anna Russell, Ash Stellmach, Ben Strother, Beth Rimmels, Bill Topalovic, Brett King, Brian Dillingham, Brian Overton, Brian Patterson, Cara O’Neil, Carl Farmer, Carlos "CJ" Cervantes Jr., Chris Hazard, Chris McCarver, Collin Kelly, Craig Groff-Folsom, Daniel Fink, Darren Montalbano, Darren Watts, David Althoff, Doug Pasko, Doug Tabb, Douglas LaVigne, Ed Podsaid, Ellie Pyle, Eric Gerson, Erik Scott de Bie, Heather Fisher, Helen Forbeck, Iban Coello, Jackson Lanzing, Jacob Rougemont, Jason Gonding, Jay Bowen, Jessica Geyer, jesus aburtov, Jim Hudson, jim zub, Jody Houser, John Nee, John Paine, John Richardson, Jonathan Silva, Julianne Capps, Kateri Woody, Ken Forbeck, Kevin Levy, Kyle Vogt, Lorraine Cink, Luc Kersten, Lukas Ketner, Mark Buckweitz, Martin Leuschen, Marty Forbeck, marvel, Matt Forbeck, Melane Pfautz-LaVigne, Michael Coleman, Michael O'Sullivan, Mike Capps, Mike Fichera, Mitch Montgomery, Monica Yue, Nathan Crowder, Nick Forbeck, Paraj Mandrekar, Pat Forbeck, Peach Momoko; Logan Lubera, Phillip Sevy, Rachelle Rosenberg, Rob London, Robert Emerson, Robert Ingram, ron richards, Rosemary Jones, rpg, Russ Yates, Russell Wickless, Ryan Schoon, Ryan White, Scott Ogden, Scott Ward, sean edgar, Simeon Cogswell, Spike Murphy-Rose, Steven Schend, Sydney Engelstein, T.G. Hunter Cox, Thad Heltemes, Theodore Kutt, Thor Knai, Tim Deschaines, tim dillon, Timothy Cheng, Trent Bielen, Wayne Melnick, Will Sobel, zack davisson
Marvel Multiverse RPG Playtest Rulebook Released On Marvel Unlimited
Well I wasn't expecting that this morning. But the Marvel Multiverse Role Playing Game Playtest Rulebook, released earlier this year, has also now been released on Marvel's streaming subscriptions service, Marvel Unlimited (as well as putting up the She-Hulk series that came and went yesterday).
INTRODUCING THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE ROLE-PLAYING GAME! Take on the roles of Marvel's most famous Super Heroes—or create entirely new ones—to fight some of the most dangerous Super Villains in the Marvel Universe! Join Marvel and Tabletop RPG fans alike in this upcoming playtest of Marvel's new game. Co-created by Matt Forbeck (THE MARVEL ENCYCLOPEDIA, Dungeons & Dragons: Endless Quest) and packed with illustrations by Marvel's amazing artists, the PLAYTEST RULEBOOK features a subset of the rules for the upcoming game—including character creation and combat—plus an introductory scenario and full profiles for some of Marvel's greatest heroes: Spider-Man, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Wolverine, and more. To get started, all you need is this book, three regular dice, and a group of friends. Players who grab the PLAYTEST RULEBOOK will also have the chance to offer official feedback on the rules and help shape the game for its full release. Don't miss out on this chance to influence and enjoy the MARVEL MULTIVERSE ROLE-PLAYING GAME!
- D616 SYSTEM: Mike Capps, Matt Forbeck & John Nee
- WRITER: Matt Forbeck
- COVER ARTISTS: Iban Coello & Jesus Aburtov
- VARIANT COVER ARTISTS: Peach Momoko; Logan Lubera & Rachelle Rosenberg
- CARTOGRAPHY: Brian Patterson
- LOGO DESIGN: Jonathan Silva
- GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Simeon Cogswell
- EDITOR: Brian Overton
- PLAYTESTERS Trent Bielen, Julianne Capps, Carlos "CJ" Cervantes Jr., Lorraine Cink, Simeon Cogswell, Michael Coleman, T.G. Hunter Cox, Nathan Crowder, Zack Davisson, Erik Scott de Bie, Tim Deschaines, Brian Dillingham, Tim Dillon, Sean Edgar, Robert Emerson, Sydney Engelstein, Heather Fisher, Helen Forbeck, Ken Forbeck, Marty Forbeck, Nick Forbeck, Pat Forbeck, Eric Gerson, Jessica Geyer, Jason Gonding, Craig Groff-Folsom, Chris Hazard, Thad Heltemes, Jody Houser, Jim Hudson, Robert Ingram, Rosemary Jones, Collin Kelly, Aaron Kemp, Lukas Ketner, Brett King, Thor Knai, Jackson Lanzing, Douglas LaVigne, Martin Leuschen, Kevin Levy, Paraj Mandrekar, Wayne Melnick, Spike Murphy-Rose, Cara O'Neil, Scott Ogden, Brian Overton, John Paine, Doug Pasko, Melane Pfautz-LaVigne, Alexandra Pitchford, Ed Podsaid, Ellie Pyle, John Richardson, Beth Rimmels, Anna Russell, Steven Schend, Ryan Schoon, Phillip Sevy, Alex Small, Alanna Smith, Will Sobel, Alexander Sprague, Ben Strother, Doug Tabb, Bill Topalovic, Kyle Vogt, Scott Ward, Darren Watts, Ryan White, Russell Wickless, Kateri Woody, Russ Yates, Monica Yue and Jim Zub.
- SPECIAL THANKS David Althoff, Jay Bowen, Mark Buckweitz, Timothy Cheng, Adam Del Re, Tim Dillon, Daniel Fink, Carl Farmer, Mike Fichera, Ann Forbeck, Eric Gerson, Luc Kersten, Theodore Kutt, Rob London, Chris McCarver, Darren Montalbano, Mitch Montgomery, Michael O'Sullivan, Ron Richards, Jacob Rougemont and Ash Stellmach
- DEDICATION To Stan Lee & Jack Kirby and Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson