Posted in: Comics | Tagged: all-new wolverine, HRL, juann cabal, Mariko Tamaki, marvel, nolan woodard, Tom Taylor, x-23
X-23 Replaces All-New Wolverine in July from Mariko Tamaki, Juann Cabal
Sometimes, we don't want our own rumors to be true. That's the case when Bleeding Cool predicted that we could soon see the end of All-New Wolverine, despite the book selling relatively well and being well received by fans. Writer Tom Taylor recently launched a new core X-Book, X-Men Red, and that book contains the cast from All-New Wolverine. Additionally, the original Wolverine, Marvel's favorite Mary Sue, is on his way back to full-time status in the MCU after ending his all-too-brief 154-week death. So the writing was on the wall for All-New Wolverine, as we first predicted a few months ago. But we're still sad to see it go.
Don't think of it as losing an All-New Wolverine, however! Instead, think of it as gaining an X-23! In July, Laura Kinney is getting both a name change and a new #1 issue as Mariko Tamaki, Jaunn Cabal, and Nolan Woodard launch X-23 #1.
"I am so psyched to have the opportunity to write for X-23. How often do you get to write a comic that has its own iconic sound effect?" said new writer Tamaki on "This is a story about being in the very weird kind of family that someone like Laura/X-23 finds herself in. It's about what it means to wrestle with legacy and identity when you were created to be a weapon and not someone with a birthday and a sister. I love writing these characters, I love the ferocity that comes with them, and I love the supporting cast we've put together for these issues."
All-New Wolverine artist, now X-23 artist Cabal added, "It's very exciting to work with a different author's view of the same character you've been working on recently. I feel very lucky to be working with someone as brilliant as Mariko. She has her own voice and ideas, so the series' tone is going to be different from ALL-NEW WOLVERINE, but you can feel her fondness and respect for the characters. So fans, rest assured! We'll continue enjoying the Laura and Gabby (and Jonathan the Wolverine) we all know and love!"
Thank goodness for that!