Posted in: Comics, Image | Tagged: andrew rev, erik larsen, image, rob liefeld, terrific production llc, youngblood
New Youngblood Publisher Terrific Production LLC Wants to Be the Next Image Partner
Unless you've been living under a rock, and that rock does not get mobile internet service so that you can read Bleeding Cool, then you are probably well aware by now of the ongoing saga of Andrew Rev's Terrific Production LLC, the new publisher which purchased the rights to Youngblood, to the chagrin of creator Rob Liefeld, and whose antics on Twitter have been an endless wellspring of clickbait article material.
In the saga's latest development, Rev (or one of the members of his alleged five-person social media team) asked fans to write Youngblood character bios, promoting a response from Image founder Erik Larsen asking why Rev doesn't just read the comics himself.
Rev (or his team) responded to say that Rev (or his team) are currently busy working on a "#comicbooks script" he plans to use "to apply as a genuine #comics creator." Why? So that Rev (or his team) can earn the right to be the next Image partner, obviously.
In addition to finally completing Image United, Rev (or his team) offered to pay Larsen and, presumably, Marc Silvestri, "#Spiderman page #comicbooks rate" to draw a few pages of Youngblood, which Rev (or his team) says will be "a big bet on you." If they play their cards right, they might even get into Youngblood #1, presumably Youngblood Unchained #1, the Youngblood relaunch Terrific recently announced or one of the other Youngblood projects for which Terrific has expressed interest in getting Chris Claremont, Alan Moore, Dan Didio, Jim Lee, or Brian Wood to write.
Larsen, unfortunately, doesn't seem interested in the offer.
Never say never, Erik. They said Donald Trump would never be president, and look at him now, he's doing Terrifically! Okay, bad example.
The saga continues…