Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, cosplayers, deadpool, Google Glass, NYCC, rocket raccoon
NYCC Through Google Glass: Why Glass Will Be Great For Cons
The following is part of a series of videos by Marq Romero of his NYCC experience using Google Glass.
Like most of you who attended NYCC, I too am going through con withdrawal. Thankfully editing these videos has been helping me cope. Looking back at this past weekend, I have to say Google Glass definitely enhanced my con experience. Things can already be hectic at a large and crowded con like NYCC, so to have something that makes my life a little bit easier goes a long way for me.
The biggest benefit of Glass without a doubt is being able to take photos and videos hands-free. Gone are the days where I had to stop, dig into my pockets for my iPhone, open the camera app and snap a picture. It's even worse when you don't have any more storage space to take photos, which then sends you into panic mode to delete whatever you can to free up space. By the time you're ready to snap the pic of the group of Deadpools doing a human pyramid, it's too late. I know we've all been there and it sucks! Whether you're a cosplayer holding bow and arrow like I was (I cosplayed as "Hawkguy" this year) or a regular con goer carrying bags of swag, Glass will make sure you don't miss those moments with just two easy steps: 1. Tilt your head up to wake up Glass. 2. Say "Ok Glass, take a picture" or "take a video". Or if you have one hand free, you can reduce that to just one step and press the shutter button on top of the touchpad. That's it! I can't tell you how many times that has helped me out this past weekend.
Another good thing about wearing Google Glass at a con is that it's almost sort of a costume piece in itself since it already has that sci-fi design element to it. I automatically feel like I blend in at a con when I'm wearing it as oppose to when I'm wearing it at the grocery store. I'm used to getting uncomfortable stares from people in public, but at NYCC I found myself getting more enthusiastic and positive reactions from people. NOTE: I think I speak for most people who own Google Glass, but if you ever see someone wearing it, just go up to them and ask them about it rather than stare. I know you don't mean to but it sort of creeps us out. We love talking about our Glass and chances are we'll probably let you try it on. I pretty much let everyone who came up to me at NYCC try it on and play with it.
To the cosplayers, you can even do what I did and make it part of your costume.

Can someone please hack it to make it part of a Cyclops or Geordi La Forge costume?
Here is my video recapping NYCC using Google Glass.
My Other "NYCC Through Google Glass" articles:
– The Hunt For Rocket Raccoon.
– Getting A Rocket Raccoon Sketch From Andy Lanning.