Spider-Man Homecoming and Marvel Cinematic Universe Comics
The story of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is a long tale of Spider-Man stuck between the character's movie rights being owned by Sony, and all other copyrights owned by Marvel (eventually under Disney). While at the time having Sony doing a Spider-Man movie in the early 2000's was a fantastic thing, 15 years later fans didn't know that a long series of circumstances and buying and selling would lead to those initial Sony movies being a huge problem for Spider-Man to share the silver screen with other Marvel Universe characters. To fans this became a huge issue, to regular movie goers, all the talk of rights and who belongs in what movie universe is just boring talk. Fans are well aware of the back and forth, Sony allowing Spider-Man to appear in Captain America Civil War so that Marvel Studios would then work with Sony to release their own MCU based Spider-Man movie that Sony would reap most of the money from. That movie was Spider-Man: Homecoming, the first in the series of MCU Spider-Man Sony movies.
Now the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a short list of tie-ins for over 20 movies having been released. Comic book tie-ins, despite Marvel Comics being (at least on the surface) a part of the giant Marvel machine, which also includes Marvel Studios, are rare. Marvel does usually just one tie-in comic per movie, though not always even that, and those tie-ins are often just movie adaptations. A few "original stories" were done at the beginning of Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Marvel's The Avengers: Black Widow Strikes, but by 2013 Marvel's official stance was that comic tie-in's were not to introduce new material as it was important to "keep all possibilities open for potential film and television development." (The quote comes from an Newsarama article from 2013 in which Fred Van Lente was interviewed as he spoke about his proposal of doing a comic set in the MCU, which was turned down. The article has been lost to time, and GamesRadar, but broken links can be found on Wikipeida). So since 2013 Marvel Comics has not produced much in terms of original content for the MCU, except Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier Infinite Comic, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite Comic – Dangerous Prey, Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude – This Scepter'd Isle, Marvel's Ant-Man – Scott Lang: Small Time, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Marvel's Captain America: Civil War Prelude Infinite Comic, and Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite Comic – The Zealot. All of these comics, except Marvel's Jessica Jones, were part of Infinite Comic line (and the Jessica Jones comic's place in MCU continuity is probably very muddled anymore). Marvel has done a series of MCU inspired comics, which can fit in the MCU continuity, but are not recognized as being "official" tie-ins such as Captain America: Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy: Galaxy's Most Wanted, and Ant-Man: Larger Than Life. Of these "inspired" tales there are about fourteen, but Marvel Comics is not in the business of stepping on the MCU continuity's toes. Sony though, when it came time to do Spider-Man: Homecoming, didn't seem to care as much.
Obscure Comics: Spider-Man: Homecoming: School of Shock
When it comes to comic tie-ins Sony loves doing them for Spider-Man, be it the comic book adaptations for Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, The Amazing Spider-Man, or the tie-in comics for Spider-Man 3, Sony likes a good tie-in. So it is no surprise that when Sony teamed up with Marvel they set out to do Spider-Man: Homecoming tie-in comics.