Posted in: Comics | Tagged: art baltazar, Comics, dark horse, franco, hellboy
Pop Culture Hounding Art Baltazar And Franco
Chris Thompson writes;
The Prince Charles Cinema are hosting a screening of four Doctor Who episodes from the Tennant era, plus a live podcast in the middle by me!
How do you follow up last week's revelations about Sam Humphries and his MySpace years? (which you can listen to here) … It's not gonna be easy, but if anyone's up to the task it's Art Baltazar & Franco (Tiny Titans, Superman Family Adventures, Patrick The Wolf Boy) – the masterminds behind the revolutionary Aw Yeah Comics.
We discuss what brought them together, why this is their industry, what it takes to actually make comics, and how their latest book Itty Bitty Hellboy from Dark Horse Comics came to be. It's an engaging and inspirational chat which looks at how to overcome setbacks and really make this your industry.
To get in touch, send feedback or submit projects for consideration, please email And if you missed last week's episode (or any others) you can find them right here or subscribe via iTunes.
You can also support the Pop Culture Hound podcast by clicking here to make a donation. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help us maintain the site, get new equipment, and encourage us to keep going on those cold lonely nights.
Chris Thompson's Twitter: @popculturehound
Orbital Comics' website:
Art Baltazar's Twitter: @artbaltazar
Art Baltazar's website:
Franco's Twitter: @awyeahfranco
Franco's website:
Aw Yeah Comics' Twitter: @AYCPublishing
Aw Yeah Comics' website: