Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: ant, Comics, david finch, dirty bones, entertainment, greg capullo, kickstarter, mario gully, omg
Mario Gully's Work Is Still Sexually Suspect But, Damn, It's A Lot Better Than It Used To Be
Mario Gully created a comic book Ant, ostensibly based on his young daughter, but freaking out a fair few people as some kind of sexually agressive skintight vigilante.
We've covered his various online activities, his struggles with money and his work for Erik Larsen, when he surprised him by drawing the book with Ant attacking a criminal with her vagina and then ripping himself off.
It was that kind of book.
But since then, something has happened to Mario "OMG" Gully. From being basically, a poor Rob Liefeld clone, he's become… well. Maybe a Greg Capullo/David Finch clone, with a little influence from Blacksad.
Here are some pages from his new comic Dirty Bones that he's pushed for funding from Kickstarter. Anthropormorphic with a male-dog, female-cat aesthetic, the dogs in suits, the cats bending over in basques and suspenders, and yes there are tails.
At the center of this epic tale is Rover – an ex-gangster who gave up his life on the streets to embark on a quest of self discovery while standing against the segregation between the mutts and the pedigrees. Rover quickly finds out that life in the city has changed as Dirty, the notorious "Big Dawg", has taken control of New Bark City by force, while fighting a vicious turf war with Madam Kitty for ultimate power.
You know what? He could actually do this. Make a go of this. There is certainly a market for this material and he seems to be showing his chops. And hopefully his Executive Producer will keep a eye on the cashflow…