Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, jonathan ross, Mark Millar, marvel, turf
Monday Runaround – What If Mark Millar Was Your Teacher?
Mark Evanier reports on the death of inker Mike Esposito, aged 83.
DoctorWatch: From Turf #3, Tommy Lee Edwards and Jonathan Ross bring us a hidden freak show Face Of Bo;
NewsWatch: Bleeding Cool has finally been accredited by Google News. This is mostly thanks to Brendon Connelly coming on board and increasing the diversity of writers on the site. Thank you Google News! Now bring on the traffic…
EducationWatch: Today, Mark Millar will be holding a Mark Millar Masterclass at the Caledonian University in Glasgow.
EducationWatch2: Rolling Stone art director Steven Charny talks about how he was influenced by comic book artists.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Alvin M. Greene for U.S. Senator – Graphic Novel – Alvin Greene the "Ultimate Warrior"
The Democratic Party Nominee for U.S. Senate: Alvin Greene – America's Candidate — Alvin Greene is the Ultimate Warrior. I will stop house foreclosures. Big banks got their bailout. Their debt was forgiven and you paid for it. They each got million-dollar bonuses. Did they forgive your debt? Did you get a bonus? I will save your house and your job.
WITH his spiky hair, trademark dungarees and upturned bucket, Oor Wullie has become one of Scotland's most enduring national institutions. And, it seems, one of our more valuable ones.
America's First Wordless Novelist
Call me crazy. Flipping through the first wordless novel published in America, Gods' Man by Lynd Ward, which came out the week of the Great Crash of 1929, I kept thinking about Moby-Dick, one of the wordiest novels ever, illustrated the next year by Rockwell Kent. Yes, Gods' Man is Moby-Dick without the text, the subtleties, or the whaling, if you can picture that—a silent moral tale of a man warring with his soul.
7 Possible DC Comics Series We'd Want To See On TV | North Hollyhood
"Marvel TV" is well on its way to producing its first two live action television series, with a whole list of more possible series in its back pocket. Will DC Comics step its game up and follow suit?
All of the ESPN/Marvel stuff in one place.