Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc comics, new 52, omac
Saturday Trending Topics: OMACtivate
Fresh from his training in the BC danger room, new team member Mark Allen Haverty hits BC like a sledgehammer with a pair of reviews at the top of today's charts. Though I must say, I haven't read OMAC #3 yet, but any comic with the word OMACtivate in it wins my three bucks.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
O.M.A.C. #3 – One More Asinine Comment (Okay, A Few, Actually)
Well, the fact of life for me is that for every good book that I enjoy and want to rave about (see Uncanny X-Men, Vol. II, #1), then I have to take the bad as well. Or else my dogs go hungry. And the kid too. Unless the dogs eat the kid…
DC Comics Smashes Marvel Marketshare In October, Takes 51% Of Sales
Well what a change half a year can make. After taking Marvel on marketshare for the month of September, albeit only by half a percent in dollar marketshare, in October DC Comics has soared ahead, buoyed by sales of second prints from September's issues, and from many of their October titles maintaining or surpassing their initial order numbers for September.
Red Lanterns #3 – As Bad As Shakespeare
For the exact same reason, Red Lanterns does absolutely nothing for me.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
I'm currently in the midst of investigating a Doctor Who lead we've received, and in the process of turning over stones, I've been struck by how much Karen Gillan has r ecentlybeen talking about the departure of Amy Pond.
Star Trek Villain Found – JJ Abrams Wants Benicio Del Toro For The Big Bad
Apparently, at this very moment, not even Benicio Del Toro knows who the villain will be in the next Star Trek movie, and he's been meeting with JJ Abrams about the role. Surely he must have some kind of hunch? Surely there's an obvious good fit for him in the canon somewhere?
Pan Am Scriptwriter Bashes ABC Exec With Xtra Normal Toon (Allegedly)
Deadline posted this video and then removed it from their "front page" or main URL, so that you will need a direct link to the post to see it. According to the original story by "The Deadline Team", or "late-night Deadline editor", a "a high-ranking writer" created this Xtra Normal clip as an attack on an ABC, or at least one exec, and their attitudes to the audience, the subtext and the ambitions, or lack thereof, of Pan Am.
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