Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: comic con, Comics, gender, paul cornell, sexism, si spurrier
Si Spurrier Makes A Stand For Panel Parity Of Gender. By Standing Down.
Today, at the London Super Comic Convention, on the How To Write A Comic Script panel, Si Spurrier gave up his seat in favour of a female panellist.
He did this in support of Paul Cornell's stance that unless there is gender parity on a comic convention panel – fifty percent, or as near as, then he will surrender his seat for an equally qualified woman, unless there are exceptional circumstances that he sets out.
I am told that Paul told the London Super Comics Convention of his intention in advance – and and as a result is no longer listed on tomorrow's panel. Si Spurrier however decided to wait until five minutes before his panel before doing so, ruffling feathers, but having the desired effect. He tweeted;
Surrendered my seat on the panel to a lovely lady in support of @Paul_Cornell's #panelparity. Now in the naughty seat shaking like a leaf.
So proud and delighted that the other panel members are being 100% inclusive to Tammy, and she's holding her own with aplomb. #panelparity
So! UK's first #panelparity superstar is the highly excellent Tammy Taylor, of Thanks so much to her.
Entertainingly, a Twitter follower, Farah Mendlesohn replied:
Not very interested in whether she's lovely. Stick to her actual qualifications pls as you wd a man.
To Si's response;
Quite right. Therefore also worth mentioning Kieron Gillen looked bloody lovely too.
Which he did as well. So the question is… Will this kind of thing catch on as the US enters convention season?