Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: All Star Western, Angel And Faith, aquaman, batman inc, dollar bill, Emily And The Strangers, glory, justice league dark, mara, x-men legacy
Ten Thoughts About Ten Comics – Mara, Glory, Emily And The Strangers, All Star Western, X-Men Legacy, Batman Inc, Dollar Bill, Aquaman, Justice League Dark, Angel And Faith
Mara #2 gives us a basketball camp, developing future players. This book has two audiences, those who like sports a lot and think this is all a great thing, and those who don't and see this as some kind of Stalinist gulag. I think that's rather clever.
Glory switches art styles (and artists) midway for this rather atypical look at certain characters. More comics should do this. What wouldn't you give for Spider-Man to suddenly go Adventure Time for a couple of pages?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Emily Strange puts a band together.
The Wild West gives Mr Hyde the chance to offer his own take on misogyny. All Star Western does manage to get away with things that, well, Robin wouldn't. Maybe Scott Lobdell and Palmiotti/Gray should swap?
And that's proof positive that Si Spurrier has bedded into X-Men: Legacy, bringing out his favourite anti-mutant hateword there. Do you remember the days of All Ages X-Men comics where they still went for the N-word?
A small scene from Batman Inc here, as society and civilisation falls down under the hand of Leviathan, a security guard stands on his tip toes, the points reflected in the floor, to see over the edge. It's a tiny moment, but Jason Masters is happy to keep delivering them. Also, big coinage.
Dollar Bill meets the owners of his bank who are… well… let's call them stereotypical. A character from Watchmen who got a few panels and lines, now gets a whole issue. Weirdly, it's hard not not to read into it a lesson about those who own characters exploiting them, not caring for them, and piling on burdens that eventually doom them. And then launch a sequel…
In Aquaman, we meet the new members of the Justice League. Black Lightning, Vixen, but no sign of Goldrush though. I guess they are saving her for the actual series itself…
It's quite entertaining to read John Constantine being written out of character in Justice League Dark… when it's meant to be out of character. A Constantine blurting out the truth uncontrollably without any filter. In fact he might as well be dead…
Faith knows.
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London.