Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: brian bendis, Comics, image, image comics, spawn, todd mcfarlane
Todd McFarlane Does A Great Brian Bendis Impression These Days
Once upon a time, Brian Bendis used to write Todd McFarlane Spawn spinoff comicbooks. Then Bendis took the job writing Ultimate Spider-Man and McFarlane dumped him quick.
But a piece of him seemed to stay, no more so than in today's Spawn #245. Where we have dialogue scenes with stat backgrounds and fixed "cameras" around a table.
Or the jibber-jabber in and out of speech balloons.
The thing is, Bendis doesn't actually write that much in this manner these days. It's more like the ghost of Bendis, the Bendis that was, still hanging around the comic book.
I quite like it, actually.
Comics courtesy or Orbital Comics in London, about to host a launch party for South London comics publisher Avery Hill.