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Riven Seal – An LGBTQIA Fantasy on Kickstarter
Writers/Creators/Lines/Colors/Lettering: Amanda Gomes and Julie Wright, Editor: Megan Derr. Kickstarter Close Date: 6/28/15, Publishing Date: September 2015
Riven Seal is a historical fantasy set in a world where magic has always existed and onset of demon summoning has brought upon major changes throughout the world. While the story interweaves several plot lines and a diverse cast, a young man named Janus lies at the center of web of fate that connects them all. His encounter with a unbound demon is the catalyst for a series of intrigues and magic that has not been seen in centuries.
Megan Derr writes,
A few years ago, I was contacted by an old friend who wanted my help with a project. Amanda and her partner Julie were working on a comic and they wanted an editor. They knew I run an indie press for LGBTQIA romance and so might be able to help them.
Riven Seal is exactly my kind of story: fantasy, magic, demon summoning. There's solid story-telling here, especially in how the summoning has a serious impact on the world, with laws, regulations, and more built around it. I definitely was on board.
One of my favorite parts is where a little girl inherits a demon after the death of herparents. Because she's so young and unfit to control a full-fledged demon, people must be brought in to summon the demon and renegotiate the contract until the girlcomes of age.
These are the sorts of things that captured my attention and made me excited to help, but it's not just the magic and demons that draw the reader in. This is a story that works to be diverse at all levels. Though it starts off in a largely white Victorian setting, it's by no means that bland or effortless. There are characters of various cultures, and more to come as the story begins to spread beyond its initial setting.
There are trans characters, intersex characters, those who are gay, lesbian, even asexual. Given how hard I fight every day to see all of these groups get more representation in romance, it means a lot to me whenever I see others working just as hard.
Speaking of working hard, Riven Seal is not their only project. Julie provides colors for the IDW comic The Dreamer by Lora Innes (who will just so happen to have a mini comic in their volume). She is also collaborating on comics for Alex Woolfson's Young Protectors and Eric Menge's Snow by Night, available to read online. She's also contributed a cover for me at Less Than Three Press, for The Merman and the Barbarian Pirate (which made it to the final round of the Rainbow Awards) and Lukos Heat. And I plan on harassing her again soon to do more.
But at heart what matters is the story, and Riven Seal is an excellent story- the kind that you only meant to read a few pages of, maybe just the first chapter, and wind upbringing on the whole thing in a day.
The Kickstarter is currently running strong, two thirds through it's goal. If you want a shiny digital version to kick back with some afternoon, it's just ten bucks. If you want something a bit shinier, there are many options to choose from, with bookmarks, charms, and even thematic teas that are as delicious as they sound.
If you have any questions, Amanda and Julie can be reached at