The World To Come by Joe Quesada, Christopher Priest, Richard Isanove from Marvel Knights in June 2025.
Posted in: Comics, NYCC | Tagged: comic con, entertainment, new york, new york comic con, NYCC, nycc 2016, nycc16
SCOOP: Justice League Vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Boom and DC Comics have already published Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy and will be publishing a Planet Of The Apes/Green Lantern series.
But from the floor of New York Comic Con, from a usually very reliable source, I hear the word the their next project together will be a Justice League Vs Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic series.
Who is on it? No idea – though Rangers writer and DC writer Kyle Higgins might make a whole lick of sense.
But which Ranger against which Leaguer? Sound off in the comments who you'd like to go see Mano a Mano.

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