Posted in: Comics | Tagged: aspen, Brent Peeples, image, last of the greats, Sinbad, Spotlight, zenescope
Shining A Spotlight – Brent Peeples
And we're back for another installment of Shining A Spotlight, now with correct spelling in the title. Now I had a few people lined up before starting this column and I'm working through them but I am interested in hearing suggestions from readers on who should be featured here. We've gotten one so far and I'm going to make contact with him soon…
This week, we take a look at penciller Brent Peeples. I got to work with Brent on a handful of A Thousand And One Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad issues and I would jump at the chance to work with him again. He's done work for Aspen, Image and Zenescope with a few things in the works now and he posts a lot of his new work on his blog so you can keep up with his latest stuff. But talk is cheap, lets get to the interview and art:
BLEEDING COOL: How did you get started drawing?
BRENT PEEPLES: When I was very young, probably age 4, my father had a pencil in my hand. He would take me to the zoo to draw or just have me draw stuff around the house.
One day he brought home one of those jumbo sized superman comics. The big oversized ones. Inside was a how to draw superman section. From then on, I was hooked on drawing comics.
BC: Who were your biggest inspirations?
PEEPLES: My biggest influences happened in the 90's. My school buddy handed me a copy of Jim Lee's x-men #1. It was the first time I really noticed the art in a book and the artist and what he was doing. From there I followed Lee, Jim and Jae, liefeld, Mcfarland, and Romita Jr.
Since then I've been inspired by all kinds of guys. Coipel, Brooks, Charest, Chung, Hester, Kuhn….to name a few.
BC: What is your process for doing a page? How long does it take you?
PEEPLES: Typically I do a half to full books worth of page thumbnail layouts. From there I layout the rough pencils on the art board. I'll do 2-3 pages of rough pencils then go back and start tightening up what I started. I like this process as it helps me not to get bored or bogged down with one page. It also allows me to have a fresh look at the roughs, just in case I want to change anything.
Pages vary depending in what the page consists of but I can do a page a day and that's the schedule I like to keep myself on.
BC: Where might folks have seen your work previously?
PEEPLES: I have worked on Grimm Fairy Tales and Sinbad for Zenescope. I also co-created and pencilled a book thru Image titled Last of the Greats with writer Josh Fialkov. I have been asked to do a pin up for Luther Strode thru Image l, from Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore and one for Dream Their by Jai Nitz and Greg Smallwood from Darkhorse. Both titles are amazing books and you should grab them asap. I've also done a short for Discovery Channel and their shark books as well as a Cover recently for Aspen Comics 10 for 10; Overtaken #1
BC: What are you working on now?
PEEPLES: Currently I am working on a new creator owned book with a good friend and one of my favorite in creators in the industry. A veteran. Some would call him the Yoda of comics. However it's under wraps at the moment. So all I can say is that it's a fun all ages title, and I'm super excited and passionate about the project.
BC: What is your dream project?
PEEPLES: As much as it scares me, I would probably say superman. He was the first character I was introduced to as a child and has always held a special place with me.